Showing posts with label Paul Beech Former Oakham Mayor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Beech Former Oakham Mayor. Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2013

Paul Beech Former Oakham Mayor

Paul Beech (Right)

I was arrested one again this year after former Mayor Paul Beech falsely 
accused me of stalking and harassing him.

In his Police statement Mr Beech rightly starts off with a long list of the good 
charity work he has done.

Mr Beech goes onto mention he first met me in 2009 

"In September 2009 I had my first encounter with a male by the name
of Martin BROOKES which occurred at the Remembrance Day parade.
Since then I have been subject of ongoing harassment form BROOKES
which takes the form of what he writes about me and my wife on his blog"

He gives the wrong blog name and for the record I started this blog in
2010 and not 2009 or 2008 as the CPS stated in court this week.
I first used the blog to expose him and others who were members
of a racist and homophobic chat forum run by Rutland County Council.
the council closed it down after they lost control of the disgusting 
content. if you click on my early posts back in 2010 you will see
those posts have been edited after I was blackmailed and threatened
by those I exposed, all either Councillors or employees of Rutland County
Council, Oakham Town Council and Melton Borough Council.

Mr Beech must suffer from a form of paranoia?

He goes onto to mention last years parade where I took the above
photograph of his conduct that earned him a £80 fine.

"On Sunday November 11th 2012 I attended the Remembrance
Day Parade wearing my grandfathers medals, alongside my own on
a separate side, which I am entitled to do and do so with great pride."
here comes the big lie "BROOKES spent the entire time of the parade
snapping away taking photos of me to the extent I was trying to hide
and keep out of the way as best I could"

I stood in one place in the corner of the church yard and this was observed by
PC Joe Lloyd who acknowledged I had conducted myself appropriately for
such an event.

Mr Beech continues his lies by saying "he went to the extent of running in front
of me to try and the photo he wanted"

Here is his explanation for his conduct that allowed me to obtain the one photograph
I took of him on that afternoon. "after the ceremony I had seen one of my friends
on the street, near to where BROOKES was stood, who had stuck his tongue out at me
so as to form a banter I stuck two fingers up at him. BROOKES managed to capture
a photo....."

"The Photo appeared on his blog the following day"

The next bit is also incorrect as I did not attend to police station to report
his conduct. His conduct towards me was reported by another member of the
public PC Joe LLoyd did not want me involved, I believe he knew if I had been 
the complainant no action would have been taken.

Mr Beech says he was fined, "I was issued with an FPN for section 5 Public Order Act which made me feel depressed" He then goes on to complain that I published this news about our former Mayor.
he objects that the photo remains on my blog 6 months later. If we had a decent local press 
maybe the same image would still be on their site. As we all know Mr Beech has some special friends
who work at that paper.

A man who has been offensive and threatening to me over the years goes on to say.
"Its fair to say that Brookes has made my life a misery, it is incessant almost as if
he has been going poke, poke, poke at me for the last four years"

They do say Oakham is the place to pokem?

Mr Beech says "I haven't slept in months, I have visited my GP for help and have
been receiving assistance from victim support to try and help me cope. It has
got to the point where it is affecting my marriage and believe it or not causing
arguments between my wife and I.

A rugby club member told me not to worry about that last comment
and said "after a few glasses of lemonade, she is always shouting at Paul and
threatening to leave him." 

Mr Beech states "i even have a friend in Nigeria who has messaged me in
the past asking me what it is all about, so it's not just
confined to Rutland it is global information being written about me.
Before Christmas I was close to a nervous breakdown"

He looked well when he and his wife walked pass my home on Christmas day.

I must dig out the CCTV image I believe it captured them both smiling outside my

Mr Beech then admits he sent three communications to the Town Councillor 
who publishes an sexually depraved blog. "Oakham Laughing Stocks" adding "I personally find that
writing things down is therapeutic for me and is almost a release for pent up frustration.

He then moves onto his complaint re his B&B and the lack of a four star rating which he falsely 
claimed he had.

He failed to mention I had published the communication I had received from the AA which
confirmed the member of the public's allegations. Knowing the information I was given
involved an allegation regarding Mr Beech I ensured I checked it before publishing.

He also feels it is an offence for a member of the public to approach the advertising
standards with evidence of his misleading advertising and to then think it is an offence
for a member of the public to repeat the report when he did not comply with
the Advertising Standards Informal resolution within the time scale would he prefer
they took him to court?

Mr Beech states "An example is the fact he wrote on his website I had been dismissed
from working at Tesco's when in fact I left of my own accord."

I don't remember saying he was sacked.

I do remember writing to Tesco complaining about his conduct towards me
especially after he lied for a town Councillor who falsely claimed I was
stalking him the store. This was proved to be a lie after PC Joe Lloyd 
and PCSO Jayme Cooper spent hours viewing Tesco CCTV.

Tesco Security told me Mr Beech was asked to leave Tesco's employment.

Mr Beech finishes this statement by "We have got to point now where we are
even considering selling up and leaving Rutland altogether to get away from this
individual who has made our lives hell  and continues to do so. We do not want
to as we have a good standing in the community and a wide circle of friends but
mentally I don't know how much more I can take. It is wrong that one man and
his computer can do so much harm to one community."

Mr Beech has been mentioned on my blog in the past out of the 10's of thousands
of posts he is mentioned in posts which total single figures.

In another statement Mr Beech refers to what I assume are Tweets and Facebook
links to blog posts about him. 

He states he and his wife feel degraded offended, embarrassed. he also says I have defiled  
his life.  He also feels let down and not supported by the police.

Embarrassed lets hope he does not get to see the photographs members of the
public took of him provocatively dancing with his wife on Sunday in Cutts Close.
I could not take any as the CPS at this point officially notified me they were not
proceeding with the case. I look forward to capturing a repeat performance.

This is a typical example of what I left to challenge at court later this year.

DS McDonald has told me Mr Beech wants to draw a line and move on.
Mr Beech is no longer a Councillor so to me he is no one important
I don't follow him or his wife but as many people know I take photographs
like others at the Town Councils expensive poorly attended events throughout the
summer and silly dancing always fills a blog post. Especially if the dancers
take to performing centre stage.

I don't believe Mr Beech will move on as he has constantly attempted
to bend DS McDonalds ear to get me sent to prison claiming I have
breeched my bail conditions when I have not.

So concluding Mr Beech if reading my blog posts are effecting your mental
well being and relationships, don't read them and leave the monitoring
to DS McDonald and Rutland County Council any breeches wont be missed 
by him, he has promised to be a daily reader until after the court case.
As for Rutland County Council the deputy CEO responded at a public meeting
it was in the public interest for the council to spend money monitoring my internet 
activity for an undefined period of time.

Now go and top up your hip flask!