Showing posts with label Really? Tesco Today. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Really? Tesco Today. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Oakham Neighbourhood Plan Your Voice Your Choice, Really? Tesco Today

Today I visited a neighbourhood plan event, what a waste of time that was.


As normal I found, rude ignorant Oakham Town Councillors.

Even the former Mayor Alf Dewis had more manner than the two Oakham Town
Councillors present.

I spoke to Liz the chair lady of the steering group and politely expressed my disappointment
regarding my exclusion from the plan caused by these town Councillors.

I decided to see if my voice could be heard at the stand outside. I waited for 15 minutes
as two Rutland County Councillor discussed one of their holiday's to Iceland and their
6 hour delay. So I gave up there and returned to the front of the store and found a polite
gentleman who listened and chatted about the plan for a few minutes.

Oakham Town Council like to claim many things, they claim this plan is community led
that is rubbish, the town council only seek this plan for financial gain whilst spending
tax payers money to get it.

I heard some people saying whats the point they won't listen to us any way
others moaning about the recent pointless junk mail drop. Much of the same
put on show again today.

One thing I did notice the event was during the bustiest time for shopping causing
quite an obstruction to the entrance of the store.

I am hoping the result of the counters tossed into buckets are going to form part
of the plan. I watched as one lady threw 4 or 5 into bucket B

Nearly £500 was spent on the banners outside Tesco today. I am not sure how much
was spent on the plastic counters buckets and sweets.

The event did not seem any different to the first held some months ago at Victoria Hall
Post It Notes Stuck on boards in answer to please tell us what you think of Oakham.
and a man with a bushy beard removing comments as time passed.