Showing posts with label Reward its Own Clique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reward its Own Clique. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Arts For Rutland, Reward its Own Clique

Good to see Arts for Rutland once again look after their own small elite clique.

Rutland artists showcase work at exhibition opening

Arts for Rutland

This is not solely my own view, but is a view held by many local Rutland Artists

On Friday public money was spent on a private reception for the launch of the
Annual Rutland Art Exhibition held at Rutland County Museum.

100 invited guests were treated to the annual booze up hosted by Roger Begy
Tory Leader of Rutland County Council.

Some prizes were given to artists and it is no surprise that one was given to
a committee member a definite no no, within any other decent organisation.
But to be expected here in Rutland.

I am not sure how this award is meant to encourage new talent in Rutland
when year after year you reward your own rotten clique.

I say rotten thinking back to the unacceptable communications I received
from a former committee member who was a former Chief Executive of
Rutland County Council and now employed by Leicester City after being
sacked by Coventry.