Showing posts with label Rutland County Council’s Tory cabinet approved increased charges for adult social care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rutland County Council’s Tory cabinet approved increased charges for adult social care. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Rutland County Council’s Tory cabinet approved increased charges for adult social care, *generating more income to pay Bevan Brittan's Mounting Legal Bill.

Rutland County Council’s Tory cabinet approved increased charges for adult social care, *generating more income to pay Bevan Brittan's Mounting Legal Bill.


(Key Decision)

Report No.175/2013 from the Strategic Director for People was received.
The Chairman, Mr Begy, introduced the report the purpose of which was to provide
feedback following the consultation on eligibility, contributions and charging agreed
by Cabinet on 2nd April 2013. The report also outlined how the Council could
continue to meet the needs of the most vulnerable by rationalising and focusing
expenditure and generating more income, in accordance with the Council’s aims and
objectives to meet the increased future needs for services and support.

During consideration, the following points were noted:

i) Mr Begy commended staff for their commitment to the consultation. It 
was unfortunate that the local media had put a spin on the consultation 
that had not been factually correct. The purpose of the consultation was
not to save money from the Adult Social Care budget but to look to use
that money in the best way to meet people’s needs. The Council needed
to ensure that it was getting value for money for the services that it

ii) Rutland was one of the few councils who still funded Moderate needs. All
service users currently assessed as Moderate would be re-assessed to
establish their current eligibility.

iii) ####### advised that advice had been received from the Council
Monitoring Officer that the report and recommendations do not need to be
referred to Council and the Cabinet could take the decision itself.

1) That the Equality Act 2010 duty to ensure that there are no groups with
protected characteristics adversely affected by any of the proposals be

2) That the eligibility criteria for Council services is raised from moderate to
substantial or critical for all new referrals with effect from 1st October 2013

3) That the eligibility criteria for all service users who are moderate are
reassessed to establish current eligibility be AGREED.

This is to be implemented on a case by case basis following reviews of all service
users currently assessed as Moderate. The reviews will begin week
commencing 16th September 2013 and are predicted to be completed by
the end of November 2013.

4) That the increase to net assessable income from 85% to 100% with effect
from 1st October 2013 be AGREED.

5) That a maximum weekly charge of £364 (this is currently the lower rate
charge for residential care) is applied to people who are assessed under
the Department of Health Fairer Charging Policies for Home Care and
other non-residential Social Services charging guidance as being able to
pay this with effect from 1st October 2013 be AGREED.

6) That the proposal to charge for two carers with effect from 1st October
2013 be AGREED.

7) That day care and access allowances are included in current and future
financial assessments at a charge of £25 per day with effect from 1st
October 2013 be AGREED.

8) That an increase in the hourly charge rate from £11.50 to £13 per hour
with effect from 1st October 2013, this has not been increased since 2008,

9) That a further consultation on increasing the hourly charge to the actual
cost at which the council commissions care, currently £15.75 with a
proposed implementation date of 2014/15, be considered.

10) That an update report in November 2013 and February 2014 that reviews
progress of implementation including analysis of risk, outcomes for
service users and financial efficiencies from a random sample of 25 cases
be received.

Reason(s) for the decision(s):-

1) To enable the Council to continue to meet the needs of the most vulnerable
by rationalising and focusing expenditure and *generating more income.

2) To meet increased future needs for services and support.

3) To revise the Council’s charging system in line with the principles of the
Department of Health Fairer Charging Policies for Home Care and other non residential Social Services charging guidance.