Showing posts with label Spotted Oakham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spotted Oakham. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Spotted Oakham, Facebook, Rutland County Council Special Meeting

I recently came across a Facebook page Spotted Oakham

Many people say things in the way they want.

I wonder how many Oakham residents will be rounded up and put before the
courts by Rutland County Councils Best Friends, Leicestershire Police

Here is an example post about Rutland County Councils Special Meeting and
there decision to to fund legal action against three UKIP Councillors.

I am of to Leicester Court Tomorrow to listen to my pre-trial hearing.

It is really about time this Tory mob listened to the public!

I find it very frustrating that many people are using the internet to 
express their thoughts and feeling about our councils often many of
them in a way that is far more offensive than the council claims I have 

I would not say anyone has been offensive in the post example.

One of the comments is almost the same as one of my past posts
which has led to a charge of stalking and harassing a person.

Question For Rutland County Council tell me why so many people 
describe you as bullies?

Spotted: Oakham
very disappointed that the council has voted tonight to allow its officers to sue for defamation against its own councillors - what an absolute waste of tax payers money. the councillors were voted in by the public - we should decide if they should stay in office and we should get a say on whether our money should be wasted in this ridiculous way. I have a story to tell and one day I will tell it about how this council thinks it can just bully people and waste tax payers money on legal costs to then lose and end up paying substantial costs
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  • 17 people like this.
  • Damage Limitation Please spill the beans
    2 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
  • Monica Fernandez I feel I could have written the above myself! The waste of money runs now over 100K of public money! Big time bullies; employers killing themselves because of it and now going for councillors too. ENOUGH of that xxxxxx and xxx mates...filthy hands they got...and are soooooooooo worried about keeping their reputation. Let's put it like this: you wouldn't be worried unless you were corrupted, would you? They are getting away with far tooooooo much.
    2 hours ago · Like · 10
  • Suzanne Weston Completely agree, its time they went, hopefully this will ruin them
    about an hour ago via mobile · Like · 1