Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Rutland County Council would like to clarify its event process as a recent Facebook post by Oakham Town Council may have created some confusion among event organisers.

Rutland County Council would like to clarify its event process as a recent Facebook post by Oakham Town Council may have created some confusion among event organisers.  

First I question why are we still paying money for a clerk who is dishonest and incapable of doing most things correctly or providing members with the correct advice. It is disgusting that we have to pay for for this full time position and lets not forget the town is also paying for 'her friend' to be employed as an assistant, then we have a Cllrs wife who is paid to clean the expensive long row offices. I am pretty sure that comes close to breaking the law, I do know Cllrs can not be employed by the council, I would ask why the job was not advertised? but I won't.

Secondly if we are not going to have any events this summer and all we get is the grass cut and litter picked in the 3 tiny parks, manky expensive plants, and Christmas Lights why do we need this costly pointless town council?

I am told no one wants to do anything for the town, all they seem to do is fight each other and constantly fall out with Rutland County Council.

The neglect of the trees is a perfect example the Clerks failure to do their job. more branches fell this week.

Rutland County Council would like to clarify its event process as a recent Facebook post by Oakham Town Council may have created some confusion among event organisers.  

The Council’s event process has not been changed as a result of the event at Rutland Showground.  Since the advent of the pandemic event organisers have been required to provide the Council with event management plans that demonstrate, alongside other aspects of event management, how an event can operate and meet Government COVID guidelines.  This is to protect public safety during the pandemic.  

Plans are reviewed and agreed by a multi-agency group including Public Health to ensure they are ‘COVID secure’.   Details of what we have been require event organisers to supply can be found on our website: www.rutland.gov.uk/my-community/organising-public-events/

We have been notified that Oakham Town Council has decided to cancel all planned events up to 18 July due to Government’s extension of COVID restrictions.  They are planning to hold a programme of events from 25 July onwards and have been advised of the need to submit their event management plans for review.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Rutland County Council, Development Control and Licensing Committee, Aldi Oakham, Facebook

Rutland County Council, Development Control and Licensing Committee, Aldi Oakham, Facebook

Date: Tuesday 14 October 2014
Time: 6.00 pm
Venue: Council Chamber, Catmose, Oakham


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Spotted Oakham, Facebook, Rutland County Council Special Meeting

I recently came across a Facebook page Spotted Oakham

Many people say things in the way they want.

I wonder how many Oakham residents will be rounded up and put before the
courts by Rutland County Councils Best Friends, Leicestershire Police

Here is an example post about Rutland County Councils Special Meeting and
there decision to to fund legal action against three UKIP Councillors.

I am of to Leicester Court Tomorrow to listen to my pre-trial hearing.

It is really about time this Tory mob listened to the public!

I find it very frustrating that many people are using the internet to 
express their thoughts and feeling about our councils often many of
them in a way that is far more offensive than the council claims I have 

I would not say anyone has been offensive in the post example.

One of the comments is almost the same as one of my past posts
which has led to a charge of stalking and harassing a person.

Question For Rutland County Council tell me why so many people 
describe you as bullies?

Spotted: Oakham
very disappointed that the council has voted tonight to allow its officers to sue for defamation against its own councillors - what an absolute waste of tax payers money. the councillors were voted in by the public - we should decide if they should stay in office and we should get a say on whether our money should be wasted in this ridiculous way. I have a story to tell and one day I will tell it about how this council thinks it can just bully people and waste tax payers money on legal costs to then lose and end up paying substantial costs
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  • 17 people like this.
  • Damage Limitation Please spill the beans
    2 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
  • Monica Fernandez I feel I could have written the above myself! The waste of money runs now over 100K of public money! Big time bullies; employers killing themselves because of it and now going for councillors too. ENOUGH of that xxxxxx and xxx mates...filthy hands they got...and are soooooooooo worried about keeping their reputation. Let's put it like this: you wouldn't be worried unless you were corrupted, would you? They are getting away with far tooooooo much.
    2 hours ago · Like · 10
  • Suzanne Weston Completely agree, its time they went, hopefully this will ruin them
    about an hour ago via mobile · Like · 1

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Visit Oakham New Facebook Page For Shops & Visitors Attractions Here In Oakham Rutland

A new Facebook page has been created for shops, business's
and visitors attractions to use.

Visit Oakham Click Button to Join Now

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I found this Facebook post rather too black and white, Photograph

 I found this Facebook post rather too black and white, Photograph

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

www.facebook.com/MartinBrookesOakham, Blogspot.com

If you follow my Blog and want to see updates via Facebook the following page has been set up.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Save Barleythorpe Field Face Book Group Oakham Rutland

This weekend Oakham Resident set up a facebook group to save the Barleythorpe Road field.

In a short period they gained 50 members.

Save Barleythorpe Road Field Click Here for facebook group

Oakham Town Council, decided not to support my request to save the land.

They decided led by Cllr Alf Dewis, my proposal to work with the community to purchase the land for the public was a task far too big for the town council.

Smaller parish councils have purchased land like this, I wonder what size project this Town Council could handle. My guess is nothing.,....

I hope the residents succeed with out the help of the Town Council.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Chief Executive Helen Briggs, Rutland County Council, Facebook

Chief Executive Helen Briggs Rutland County Council, has only just realised Facebook content is availble to all in the public domain.
 She has now set her wall to private friends only.
She has lost 2 friends this month.
And after such a long period of loneliness One person likes Rutland County Council, I won't ask who click that.
Below are her remaining friends.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Rutland County Council 2011 photograph

Multum in parvo (Much in little)

Would anyone like to buy this building?

As the Chief Executive implements her cuts in staffing soon there won't be any need for such a large building. Chief Executive Helen Briggs has proposed remaining staff could start working from  home this year. The council has often complained this building is too small for its purpose.

Multum_in_parvo a twitter user suggests people like the Helen Briggs Take a pay cut. Sell the council office and move the HMP Prison site. I don't think the Council would need such a big site, I guess they could sell off all the properties and centralise them all. I think they should keep the security fencing Mrs Briggs would not want anyone intruding unwelcome into her building, she often needs reminding its not hers and its a public building.

Helen Briggs can be found on face book she has very few friends and no one likes her employer Rutland County Council? and only two like her past Council employers.

Of course we all know Councillors and there friends don't join Facebook to communicate with friends or make new ones, it is another form of checking on what is be said and in my case before I switched mine to private, making notes of your friends and family and stealing photographs to post filthy comments in their names on my blog.

It does not surprise me to see who are Helen Briggs friends. Cuddly Nick, Jones and Clone Zone King. (sorry could not resist repeating the name given by his friends from the forum)

What does surprise me is Helen Briggs lists her music interests as Punk Rock, were Punk Rockers anti establishment or just bullies?

If she is a true Punk Rocker? then why does she attempt to suppress any one who speaks about the council?

Happy New Year Mrs Briggs I hope your monitors enjoy reading this post.

PS. Could you clean the pool car, I know its leased but its a disgrace. 

If you do use Face Book please take time to go into your privacy settings so you information can not be misused like mine was. 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rutland Chat Forum

My old forum friends are still at it! what I like about there chosen location to attack me is they use face book and I now know who they all are. they no longer need to hide behind their made up names.

Ian Burton Is this that group I got banned from before, where that New councillor removed my post about his money grabbing scheme. SCAM the tax payers of Rutland!



CLLR MARTIN JOHN BROOKES is not looking out for the residents of Oakham nor RUTLAND he is looking out for HIMSELF

He is looking for another payoff as its easier than working for a living like we have to do!

His former employers, The Church of England paid him off - he purposely causes trouble, moans and groans, gossips, trying to discredit others to make himself look THE VICTIM, he is a charlatan, a trouble maker, he worms his way into people's lives, he garners sympathy, then backstabs.

He gossips, he is treacherous to his acquaintances, he has turned on several people already one day taking their hospitality the next slagging them off in his blog and to all and sundry.

He cares about nothing but himself, he spies on his neighbours, he snitches and tells tales, he behaves like a spoilt brat, he is hetrophobic.

We see his outrageous behaviour illustrated in the news clipping. He plasters our high street with his filth, I've been told recently by a local grandmother, he plastered his now suspended picture account on Flickr with full frontal male strippers with tags of Oakham and Rutland not correctly identified as adult material and available to children and grandchildren worldwide, is this the kind of person to be on the council, is this the kind of person you want wasting police time, wasting council tax payers resources?

I hope this doesn't get removed again.

Ian Burton.

30 May at 00:03 · FlagLucy Tate This is Paul's group, he needs to put in a profile pic but he's not replying to me. I wasn't banned from that other group but it won't let me post anything either, so what's the point.

30 May at 00:35 · FlagDavid Burton Hehe, you and your little set piece! Make sure you don't start to look as bad as he does

30 May at 11:37 · FlagDavid Burton I do think the papers should follow up the story and tell us what happens in court

30 May at 11:38 · FlagJonny Rudd I did a little digging for Ian on this chap and the pender/Patey woman, and both are dubious characters.

He channels internet stuff to suit himself, don't bother joining anything of his lists, he censors everything/anything which is disagreeable to him.

His life is a sham. He is a big loser. He recently had the cheek to ask for payment of £165,000 to move!

As Ian says he is out for himself. The ROBBER of Rutland.

... See more

I say give him some community service. Ban him from every taxpayers office. Make use of the stocks.

Its not surprising anyone would want to move away from these vile people, Ruddles and all of those from the rutland chat forum.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Home Secretary Changed mind on Section 28 Vote

Home secretary Theresa May, voted against the repeal of the controversial section28 and the equalising of the age of consent for gay men, has said she has changed her mind.

Theresa May is the MP responsible for equality.

She has faced critism from the LGBT community.

A Facebook petition calling for her to be sacked, has more than 70,000 signatures

She has also changed her mind about gay adoption.

Has she really or is she one of the old style nasty torries?