Showing posts with label gay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gay. Show all posts

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Peterborough Pride 2018 First Ever Pride Celebration

Peterborough Pride 2018

For the first time Peterborough will be celebrating Pride.

Pride is being organised with a week-long celebration planned from June 30.


Monday, February 01, 2016

A network of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organisations for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland has been formed at Leicester LGBT Centre

A network of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organisations for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland has been formed at Leicester LGBT Centre

Through this network LGBT support/social groups, local businesses, charities and other organisations will be able to meet, share information, advise and support one another.

The network will be run by a steering group who will have their next meeting within the next few weeks before a formal launch in February which will mark LGBT History Month.

For more information on Leicester LGB&T Communities Network or if you wish to enquire about joining please contact Danny Lavery on 0116 254 7412 or email danny@leicesterlgbtcentre.org

Leicester LGBT Centre, 15 Wellington St, Leicester, LE1 6HH

0116 254 7412


WEBSITE: https://leicslgbtcn.wordpress.com/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/leics_lgbtcn

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/leicslgbtcn/

Friday, October 18, 2013

Hate Crime Week, Leicestershire Police has developed an internal straight allies programme to support lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender police officers

In recognition of this year’s Hate Crime Week, Leicestershire Police has developed an internal straight allies programme to support lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender police officers and police staff.
Stonewall, the lesbian, gay and bisexual charity, advocates the use of an ally programme and it has seen great success in private sector organisations that have such schemes. Leicestershire Police is one of the first forces in the country to implement a Straight Ally Programme. The Force now has over 50 police officers and police staff from across the Force in varying ranks and roles who pledged to show their support to their colleagues and to equality.
‘Straight ally’ is a term used to describe heterosexual people who believe that lesbian, gay, bisexual and Transgender people should experience full equality in the workplace. Straight allies recognise that LGBT people can perform better if they can be themselves and the allies use their position within an organisation to create a culture where this can happen.
Sergeant Laura Millward, chair of the Leicestershire Police LGBT network, said: “Being a straight ally is something that people just 'do'. The straight allies initiative is just about supporting people and sharing a positive message. Not all LGBT officers and staff are members of the LGBT Network, and most certainly not all straight allies, have officially signed up as such. Some people have just pledged to more openly promote the police as an inclusive and supportive environment.
“The reason we created the scheme was to encourage people to talk about difference – with a view to value it and not to marginalise and segregate. I have already received great feedback to show that that is already happening.”

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rainbow & Dove, Dover Castle & Helsinki Christmas and New Year Leicester

Will miss this due to poor public transport to and from Leicester

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Leicester Pride Victoria Park Photographs


Leicester Pride 2010
Victoria Park

A Drag Queen Takes A Jog
in Victoria Park


Mix Munkies & Marky B

James owner of Dover Castle, Rainbow Dove and Helsinki
having fun with his staff

For Evil To Triumph
All that is necessary
is good people to do

Fun Fair at Leicester Pride

Real Lesbians
dont need


Nikk Mager X Factor Finalist

Pride Celebrated with style

Sean Smith
Britains Got Talent

Lee Bennett

Beer and a fag at Pride

I Kissed A Girl

Bitchy Witch

Inspector R Widdownson
Leicestershire Police

Leicester Pride Photographer

Leicester Police at Pride

Lots of cute dogs at Pride

Cheeky Girls

Health and Well Being Road Show
and Chill Out?

Chill Out my friends blood preasure rose to bursting point
when they took the smokers test and the reading went
of the scale it was all doom and gloom from the
NHS advisor who handed my friend
a card and said give me a call.

Royal Navy Cadet and Rutland Police Officer

BBC Leicester Bourne Sports Presenter

Test Tube Shots

Rainbow Dove Bar


No Fear

Helsinki  Pride

Rainbow Dove left         Dover Castle Right


The Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor Councillor Colin Hall

Councillor Colin Hall

Leicester City Council

the public service union

Pasante Condom

Rainbow Voices - the county's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender choir

Leicester Police enjoy taking photographs

Leicester Police having fun

Leicester Mayor, good to see he has
purchased a new belt so he
kept his trousers on today

A Happy Pride

Nightingale Club Leicester

Have you got  a WKD side man

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