Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rutland Chat Forum

My old forum friends are still at it! what I like about there chosen location to attack me is they use face book and I now know who they all are. they no longer need to hide behind their made up names.

Ian Burton Is this that group I got banned from before, where that New councillor removed my post about his money grabbing scheme. SCAM the tax payers of Rutland!



CLLR MARTIN JOHN BROOKES is not looking out for the residents of Oakham nor RUTLAND he is looking out for HIMSELF

He is looking for another payoff as its easier than working for a living like we have to do!

His former employers, The Church of England paid him off - he purposely causes trouble, moans and groans, gossips, trying to discredit others to make himself look THE VICTIM, he is a charlatan, a trouble maker, he worms his way into people's lives, he garners sympathy, then backstabs.

He gossips, he is treacherous to his acquaintances, he has turned on several people already one day taking their hospitality the next slagging them off in his blog and to all and sundry.

He cares about nothing but himself, he spies on his neighbours, he snitches and tells tales, he behaves like a spoilt brat, he is hetrophobic.

We see his outrageous behaviour illustrated in the news clipping. He plasters our high street with his filth, I've been told recently by a local grandmother, he plastered his now suspended picture account on Flickr with full frontal male strippers with tags of Oakham and Rutland not correctly identified as adult material and available to children and grandchildren worldwide, is this the kind of person to be on the council, is this the kind of person you want wasting police time, wasting council tax payers resources?

I hope this doesn't get removed again.

Ian Burton.

30 May at 00:03 · FlagLucy Tate This is Paul's group, he needs to put in a profile pic but he's not replying to me. I wasn't banned from that other group but it won't let me post anything either, so what's the point.

30 May at 00:35 · FlagDavid Burton Hehe, you and your little set piece! Make sure you don't start to look as bad as he does

30 May at 11:37 · FlagDavid Burton I do think the papers should follow up the story and tell us what happens in court

30 May at 11:38 · FlagJonny Rudd I did a little digging for Ian on this chap and the pender/Patey woman, and both are dubious characters.

He channels internet stuff to suit himself, don't bother joining anything of his lists, he censors everything/anything which is disagreeable to him.

His life is a sham. He is a big loser. He recently had the cheek to ask for payment of £165,000 to move!

As Ian says he is out for himself. The ROBBER of Rutland.

... See more

I say give him some community service. Ban him from every taxpayers office. Make use of the stocks.

Its not surprising anyone would want to move away from these vile people, Ruddles and all of those from the rutland chat forum.