Showing posts with label event. Show all posts
Showing posts with label event. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Oakham Christmas Late Night Shopping Event 2022 Oakham Rutland Photographs.

Oakham Christmas Late Night Shopping Event 2022 Oakham Rutland Photographs. 

Flo meets Santa at the Oakham Angler in Mill Street
lots of Children also enjoyed a free visit.

Helter Skelter Mill Street Oakham Rutland

The Tombola run by Mel Pippy Woodley, Nick Woodley and Margaret Heath, helper Flo 
and a little help from me raised £100 for the Rutland Foodbank and 
£120 for the Oakham Baptist Church Christmas Day lunch.

Music provided by Rob Persani, Rutland and Stamford Sound

Plenty of stall were in Victoria Hall

There was plenty of stalls outside.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Oakham Pride 2022 First LGBTQ+ March and Event Officially Opened by Alicia Kearns MP For Rutland Video Alicia spoke about her conversion therapy campaign.

Oakham Pride 2022 First LGBTQ+ March and Event Officially Opened by Alicia Kearns MP For Rutland Video Alicia spoke about her conversion therapy campaign.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Uppingham in Bloom Queens Platinum Jubilee Open Gardens event Uppingham Town Hall 49 High Street East Uppingham

Uppingham in Bloom Queens Platinum Jubilee Open Gardens event

Sunday, June 12th, 2022

1:00pm - 5:00pm

Uppingham Town Hall, Uppingham


Help celebrate the Queen's 70 year reign by enjoying a visit to Uppingham's Platinum Jubilee Open Gardens on Sunday 12th June between 1-5pm.

With a wide range of gardens open as well as tree trail, plant stall, tombola and refreshments, it offers a great afternoon out.

Uppingham in Bloom is supporting the Queens Green Canopy campaign. All money raised will fund more Jubilee tree planting around Uppingham.

Tickets are £10 including refreshments and bottle tombola ticket. Tree trail booklets available too.

Accompanying children free. Available on the day from Uppingham Town Hall.

Parking available in Mercers Yard car park and Yarn Market car park for free.

Uppingham Town Hall

49 High Street East


Thursday, June 02, 2022

Platinum Jubilee Community Market Event Tesco Superstore Oakham Rutland

Platinum Jubilee Community Market Event Tesco Superstore Oakham Rutland

Handmade by Bridget

Lindy Dancing 

Lorna Grey Rutland Lions and the Queen

Lucy Lunatique  Oakham Pride Chairman
speaking to Rob Persani 
Rutland and Stamford Sound

Mr Bean Hot Dogs 

Oakham Pride 

Oakham Pride 
Raffle Prizes 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

LGBT+ in Oakham & Rutland Gay Pride Event Cutts Close Oakham Saturday June 25th 2022 Approved By Oakham Town Council

LGBT+ in Oakham & Rutland Gay Pride Event Cutts Close Oakham Saturday June 25th 2022 Approved By Oakham Town Council.

LGBT+ in Oakham & Rutland


Oakham Mayor Zoe Nealson contacted the Pride organiser in her private capacity expressing a concern that a section of the LGBTQ+ community was not family friendly.

The organiser posted this concern in the LGBT+ in Oakham & Rutland Facebook group. The Mayors wife Rachael Nealson responded to comments and suggestions of discrimination. 

The part of the community that was described as not family friendly was Kink. I found the whole debate rather odd. 

I don't support the suggestion that Rutland's First Pride Event should not be advertised as family friendly. 

I also don't support Rachael Nealson's suggestion that a tent is set up for only over 18's who maybe into Kink ("people dressed as puppies and pulled along on a lead".)  I believe that would not be inclusive and could be considered discrimination. I do understand children ask questions, but surely adults know how to respond appropriately to young children when they ask why a person is dressed in a certain.

The two posts appear to have been deleted by the group admin. In one the Mayor did make it very clear that her concerns were not that of Oakham Town Council.

Sunday, August 01, 2021

Rutland Choral Society Cutts Close Oakham Rutland Oakham Town Council Event

 Rutland Choral Society Cutts Close Oakham Rutland Oakham Town Council Event

Monday, June 28, 2021

The Fall Out From The Light and Life Event at Rutland Showground is all very sad but nothing new

The Fall Out From The Light and Life Event at Rutland Showground is all very sad but nothing new.

A few people in Rutland make it very difficult at times for others who live or work in the county. They can be very unkind.

The recent religious festival has given those few another opportunity to attack people in the most vile ways. It reminded me of how they behaved when the town centre improvements were being considered or there is a major planning application.

Rutland County Councillors who had no involvement in the religious festival, have received offensive phone calls once again and even been sworn at in the streets.

Showground staff and family have received serious abuse from those same residents. 

Here is one example of a staff members post on facebook.


Been asked ‘politely/demanded’ to take my previous post down for obvious but for those that know know as it contradicted a version of the truth which was a case of arse covering.

Many should be ashamed of their actions and the blame game. I am disgusted by the racism and inaccurate bullshit.

I hope we evaluate everything and reconsider our revenue options moving forward which may make individuals appreciate the bigger picture and just how much RAS gives away.. 

I am allowed to say the event was legal and all documentation was completed to a satisfactory standard.

I can’t control processes other than our own and I think lessons to be learnt across the board.

Although, I am ashamed of many individuals whom I know and considered friends and their comments and the abuse directed at myself and others that I work with.

I am left feeling quite poorly because of the online abuse and telephone calls which have been non stop. everyone goes on about beautiful kind Rutland, it’s also full of scum bags who need to look internally at the themselves whilst looking down on others from the gutter and question their own moral standards.




Thursday, June 24, 2021

Rutland County Council would like to clarify its event process as a recent Facebook post by Oakham Town Council may have created some confusion among event organisers.

Rutland County Council would like to clarify its event process as a recent Facebook post by Oakham Town Council may have created some confusion among event organisers.  

First I question why are we still paying money for a clerk who is dishonest and incapable of doing most things correctly or providing members with the correct advice. It is disgusting that we have to pay for for this full time position and lets not forget the town is also paying for 'her friend' to be employed as an assistant, then we have a Cllrs wife who is paid to clean the expensive long row offices. I am pretty sure that comes close to breaking the law, I do know Cllrs can not be employed by the council, I would ask why the job was not advertised? but I won't.

Secondly if we are not going to have any events this summer and all we get is the grass cut and litter picked in the 3 tiny parks, manky expensive plants, and Christmas Lights why do we need this costly pointless town council?

I am told no one wants to do anything for the town, all they seem to do is fight each other and constantly fall out with Rutland County Council.

The neglect of the trees is a perfect example the Clerks failure to do their job. more branches fell this week.

Rutland County Council would like to clarify its event process as a recent Facebook post by Oakham Town Council may have created some confusion among event organisers.  

The Council’s event process has not been changed as a result of the event at Rutland Showground.  Since the advent of the pandemic event organisers have been required to provide the Council with event management plans that demonstrate, alongside other aspects of event management, how an event can operate and meet Government COVID guidelines.  This is to protect public safety during the pandemic.  

Plans are reviewed and agreed by a multi-agency group including Public Health to ensure they are ‘COVID secure’.   Details of what we have been require event organisers to supply can be found on our website: www.rutland.gov.uk/my-community/organising-public-events/

We have been notified that Oakham Town Council has decided to cancel all planned events up to 18 July due to Government’s extension of COVID restrictions.  They are planning to hold a programme of events from 25 July onwards and have been advised of the need to submit their event management plans for review.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Update - Light and Life Event in Rutland County Showground From Superintendent Jonny Starbuck Leicestershire Police

 Superintendent Jonny Starbuck said: 

“Leicestershire police have been working closely with Rutland County Council and other partners to ensure the right plan is in place for the next few days and in particular the traffic management when the event goers leave the site.

“Initially we received over one hundred calls to police in relation to this event, mostly these calls to police were to notify us that it was happening and ask us if we were aware of the event. There was considerable anti-social behaviour reported and we have made two arrests. 

“Since the policing operation was put in place we have seen these calls to police drop to twenty. We are aware of non-payment for food and shoplifting from local businesses and we are working with them to ensure the right action is taken. Mainly, we have had reports of anti-social behaviour and a few reports relating to covid compliance. 

“We or our partners, have not advised any businesses to close – this is a decision for the retailers to make, taking into consideration what the right choice would be for their business. 

“I want to thank Rutland Council and our partners for all pulling together to provide the local community with the right support and reassurance. We understand that anti-social behaviour can have a significant impact on the local community and I would like to thank them for working with us on this matter and I would encourage them to continue to report incidents to us. 

“Again, we want to stress that this is a legal event and the majority of the people visiting are there to enjoy their faith. There are only a few who are determined to engage in this negative behaviour. We will deal with those who commit crime swiftly and robustly.”

Rutland Showground Religious event will vacate site on Friday says Rutland County Council

Rutland Showground event will vacate site on Friday says Rutland County Council

Rutland County Council has clarified a decision by multi-agency partners that the Light and Life event will close on Thursday (24 June 2021) and the site will be vacated on Friday (25 June 2021) as originally planned by the event organisers. 

The Council has reviewed the event plans and risk assessments and made recommendations to the event organisers for improvements to the running of the event. 

Councillor Oliver Hemsley, Leader of Rutland County Council, explains: “This is not an ideal situation, and we are certainly not happy that we have had to retrofit processes to ensure the safe running of this event for attendees and our community. 

“We have two main issues that the Council and its partners, particularly the Police, are currently handling. The first being the safe running of the event, including ensuring it is operated within Covid-19 regulations and that traffic, noise and waste is managed appropriately. 

“The second is around a small, yet significantly impactful group of attendees which have chosen to disrespect our community. As a result, the Council and Police are having to manage the immediate impact of these attendees and will continue to do so to protect our community until the site is vacated on Friday.

“Allowing the site to be vacated on Friday, as originally planned by the event organisers, means the Council and its partners can develop and put in place plans to enable the safe departure of all attendees, minimising impact on our roads and infrastructure, ensuring attendees move on to their next destination, whether home or another event, without delay.”

In the meantime, residents, businesses and road users who have any concerns or information to report should follow the advice of Leicestershire Police - visit https://www.leics.police.uk/ro/report/ quoting reference Log 186 of 19 June 2021 or to call 101.

For the latest statement from the Police, who are working with Rutland County Council on this matter, please visit: https://www.leics.police.uk/news/leicestershire/news/2021/june/light-and-life-event-in-rutland---update/

Monday, June 21, 2021

Statement from Rutland County Council Leader, Councillor Oliver Hemsley regarding Travellers Christian Festival event at Rutland Showground

Statement from Rutland County Council Leader, Councillor Oliver Hemsley regarding Travellers Christian Festival event at Rutland Showground

It has been a challenging weekend for many of the county’s residents and businesses, and I would like to thank all residents for your support and patience. 

Rutland County Council was not made aware of this event as no event application was submitted in advance. 

Our standard event procedures require for event organisers to submit an event application and risk statements, which enable partners to review to ensure all aspects of an event – from health and safety, including compliance with Covid-19 regulations through to traffic management – are compliant. Unfortunately, without prior notification, the Council and its partners were unable to do this.

We have been working closely with partners, especially the Police, to manage and respond to the immediate issues arising from this event, including putting in place increased patrols across our community. 

Officers will be undertaking traffic management at key times, including school drop off and pick up, and will also be located at areas that are attracting increased numbers.

Plans are underway to ensure minimal disruption to the community at key points in the event, for example the event closing.

There is ongoing communication with the event organiser. We have reviewed their event procedures and documentation and will be making relevant recommendations to improve the running of this event to protect attendees and the wider community. 

Additionally, we are looking to increase the numbers and presence of our Covid-19 Marshalls in our towns, offering PPE to the event organisers to distribute amongst participants and providing PPE to key shops. 

I truly understand the concern that the events of this weekend have brought to the county and want to assure you that the Council and its partners are doing all we can to protect you. 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Oakham Rutland 'religious' festival 'disturbance' as town store staff complain of abuse and looting by those attending the event at The Rutland County Showground.

Oakham Rutland 'religious' festival 'disturbance' as town store staff complain of abuse and looting by those attending the event at The Rutland County Showground.

Police have been called to the site to investigate complaints over the alleged behaviours of its participants and others.

Hundreds of complaints and related comments have been posted on social media concerning the event.

Last Night, Rutland Showground issued an apology. 

Message to members of Rutland Agricultural Society, issued at 20.00 on 19 June 2021, by CEO, Kevin Tighe

“We are currently hosting a religious festival on our site which we are aware is causing disturbance to our neighbours.  We wholeheartedly apologise for this.    We agreed to the booking after assessing the organisers risk assessment and with the belief that this was an event primarily about Christian worship.  However there is a minority of people who are disrupting the event and causing some significant problems in and around the showground.  We have been working with the organisers to stabilise this situation.    Our priority is to help maintain public order and minimise disruption and allow the event to refocus on its Christian worship as quickly and quietly as possible.  We have been in contact with the police who have been onsite today.“

Paul Kitson

Company Secretary

Shortly afterward the show ground published the following on it Facebook page

Rutland Showground issued an apology on its Facebook Page.

The apology said: "We are currently hosting a religious festival on our site which we are aware is causing disturbance to our neighbours. We wholeheartedly apologise for this.

"We agreed to the booking after assessing the organisers risk assessment and with the belief that this was an event primarily about Christian worship.

"However there is a minority of people who are disrupting the event and causing significant problems in around the showground.

"Our priority is to help maintain public order and minimise disruption and allow the event to refocus on its Christian worship as quickly and quietly as possible. "We have been in contact with the police who have been onsite today."

A whole range of behaviour is cited in response to the post.

This includes many forms of anti social behaviour, some comments from local shop workers who have been abused. 

Staff at Lidl this morning have had to ask people to leave the store after entering with no masks and  being abusive to colleagues.

The show ground have apologised for local disruption. Local shops closed and bars have closed and  at one point this included McDonalds, after a lot of those attending decided they were not required to pay for anything. The bypass was used as a race track last night. This morning it is very slippery covered in mud. It is reported local residents called Leicestershire police many times and none attended. Some residents contacted the newly elected police and crime commissioner  and the Chief Constable Simon Cole  responded via twitter. Maybe now the police and crime commissioner will take his role seriously and sort out the lack of policing here in Rutland instead of his daft idea supported by our MP Alecia Kearns to rename Leicestershire Police once again. The force a few years ago wasted money rebranding itself from Leicestershire Constabulary now PCC wants to call the three combined forces Leicestershire and Rutland. Forgetting Leicester? 

The trustees of the Showground should be sacked. They wont let us have a scaled down county show this year, cancelling at very short notice due to covid. No fears appear to have been applied, to the consideration of this event or other events they are hosting. People are coming and going from the field accessed from gates  2 and 3. Many are visiting nearby businesses and many if not all appear to be exempt from wearing face masks. Local residents have also complained of intimidation. I passed gates 2 and 3 one of the stewards at gate 2 wished me a good morning as I approached gate 3 a car pulled out at speed and some one  shouted foul abuse from inside the car. Gate 1 remains locked a number of littering young boys kicked it and climbed it were very quickly chased out by the stewards.

Earlier this morning, Rutland MP Alicia Kearns said on twitter: "I’m aware of concerns around reckless driving and incidents in Oakham today related to a large event at Rutland Showground. "I am liaising with the Council and the Police regarding compliance to COVID regulations and monitoring concerns."

Leicestershire Police chief constable Simon Cole responding to  Mrs Kearns, commented today: "@LP_Rutland have been working hard on this with the event organisers, venue and council."

@LeicsPCC Rupert Matthews PCC - “I have received several complaints about the event at Rutland showground, and I am distressed to hear how little regard has been given to the residents of Oakham. There’s been intimidation and dangerous driving, not to mention breaking the covid rules.”1/2

Replying to 
“I have contacted the Chief Constable demanding an update now and a meeting tomorrow. Of course, I fully support the work that Rutland Police do in the action they are taking and urge residents with concerns to please dial 101.” 2/2

Oakham Bypass outside the Rutland County Showground is very slippery with mud from showground fields. The area is now being patrolled by Leicestershire Police.

Leicestershire Police  @leicspolice

Leicestershire Police Tweeted this afternoon Sunday 20th June 12.50pm 

We are aware of reports of anti-social behaviour linked to a religious event at Rutland Showground. Extra patrols and units are in the area and we will ensure event is covid safe. We are working with the organisers.

To report visit https://www.leics.police.uk/ro/report/