Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Rutland Showground Religious event will vacate site on Friday says Rutland County Council

Rutland Showground event will vacate site on Friday says Rutland County Council

Rutland County Council has clarified a decision by multi-agency partners that the Light and Life event will close on Thursday (24 June 2021) and the site will be vacated on Friday (25 June 2021) as originally planned by the event organisers. 

The Council has reviewed the event plans and risk assessments and made recommendations to the event organisers for improvements to the running of the event. 

Councillor Oliver Hemsley, Leader of Rutland County Council, explains: “This is not an ideal situation, and we are certainly not happy that we have had to retrofit processes to ensure the safe running of this event for attendees and our community. 

“We have two main issues that the Council and its partners, particularly the Police, are currently handling. The first being the safe running of the event, including ensuring it is operated within Covid-19 regulations and that traffic, noise and waste is managed appropriately. 

“The second is around a small, yet significantly impactful group of attendees which have chosen to disrespect our community. As a result, the Council and Police are having to manage the immediate impact of these attendees and will continue to do so to protect our community until the site is vacated on Friday.

“Allowing the site to be vacated on Friday, as originally planned by the event organisers, means the Council and its partners can develop and put in place plans to enable the safe departure of all attendees, minimising impact on our roads and infrastructure, ensuring attendees move on to their next destination, whether home or another event, without delay.”

In the meantime, residents, businesses and road users who have any concerns or information to report should follow the advice of Leicestershire Police - visit https://www.leics.police.uk/ro/report/ quoting reference Log 186 of 19 June 2021 or to call 101.

For the latest statement from the Police, who are working with Rutland County Council on this matter, please visit: https://www.leics.police.uk/news/leicestershire/news/2021/june/light-and-life-event-in-rutland---update/