Showing posts with label Rutland Showground. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rutland Showground. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Rutland Music Festival, RUTLAND SHOWGROUND, Oakham Festival 2022

Rutland Music Festival













Free parking – Funfair – DJ’s – Bars – Food Stalls


Friday 1st – Sunday 3rd July 


Friday – £15/£20*

Saturday – £30/£35*

Sunday – £20/£25*

3 Day Bundle – £55/£60*

Under 12’s FREE

*VIP tickets – include deckchair, fast pass entrance & luxury toilets 


To book visit – www.rutlandmusicfestival.co.uk 



Friday, September 03, 2021

Rutland County Council Local Plan Special Meeting Held at the Agriculture Society Rutland Showground Video

Rutland County Council Local Plan Special Meeting Held at the Agriculture Society Rutland Showground Video

Three Parts 


Rutland County Council Special Meeting Local Plan Decision Part 1

Rutland County Council Special Meeting Local Plan Decision Part 2

Rutland County Council Special Meeting Local Plan Decision Part 3

Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Rutland County Council Conservatives Defeated By Liberal Democrats, Local Plan Will Be Withdrawn and a New Plan to be Created but at what cost?

Rutland County Council Conservatives Defeated By Liberal Democrats, Local Plan Will Be Withdrawn and a New Plan to be Created but at what cost?

Councillors listened to petitions, deputations and questions.  

There was a proposal to adjourn for a toilet break, this was not supported, leaving most of the public bemused, with comments being whispered, if they can't agree on that what hope to we have for the rest of the evening. At this point one Cllr jumped out of his seat and slumped against the glass clearly suffering from discomfort possibly a dodgy curry before the meeting. Fortunately he did not have to wait much longer before the loo break was permitted.

The infighting among the Conservative group was very obvious this evening, disagreements over increased prices of garden sheds. 

The Libdems and at least on Tory suggested if the council supported the Conservatives proposal it would bankrupt the council rather like Northamptonshire.

Personally I think the council is heading that way the figure of a £2 million deficit was mentioned this evening.

So I was surprised the Libdems proposed to scrap the current plan knowing millions had already been spent on it and now they were proposing a further £1.4 million be spent on a new one. I wonder why the existing plan could not be revised.

Whichever option was agreed St Georges Barracks will be developed.

At the end of the meeting the Leader of the council certainly looked defeated, I wonder if this defeat will see a change of leadership. It was one of the biggest Tory defeats I have ever witnessed at Rutland County Council.

I am not sure this was a good day for the future of Rutland. There is a long period of uncertainty ahead. As the new plan is created. There will be an election in 2023 that should be an interesting one. with the possibility of increased council tax bills to pay for the new plan, I am not sure the next few year are going to get any better for Rutland.

It was good to see a Cllr wearing a Rainbow LGBTQ+ tie to show his support against discrimination. I was expecting a Cllr to take the knee during prayers that did not happen. Although it is unlawful for councils to pray in council meetings, Rutland County Council decided it would be fine to says prayers just before the meeting starts. Personally I think they should set aside a prayer room and not inflict that upon those who think it is pointless or even hypocritical. 

A video of the full meeting will be publish tomorrow. 

The Council agreed:

That Council:

1. Withdraw the submitted Local Plan (submitted to Government in February 2021) under

Regulation 22 of the Local Plans Regulations from the process of Examination in

Public following the decision made by Council on 22nd March 2021 not to accept the

offer of £29.4m Housing Investment Fund (HIF) grant funding which has impacted the

viability and deliverability of the proposed St. George’s Garden Village scheme and,

therefore, the wider development strategy affecting the soundness of the Local Plan.

2. Approves the creation of an earmarked reserve of £1,395,000 to resource the making

of a new Local Plan for the County and operating without a plan (as detailed in Section

5) and that authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Places and the Section

151 Officer in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and the Portfolio

Holder for Finance, Governance and Performance, Change and Transformation to

release funds from the earmarked reserve as required.

3. Approves that Council receives a quarterly statement of the Budget position in light of

the cost uncertainty so that it can track whether the earmarked reserve is sufficient or

can be released accordingly.

4. Approves the need to positively prepare and submit a new Local Plan informed by an

updated evidence base for the benefit of the County of Rutland, its residents and

businesses that will:

i. Deliver the corporate plan vision and themes for the County;

ii. Provide for sustainable growth to meet its objectively assessed housing and

employment needs, utilising and promoting sustainable transport wherever

possible, which will combine to contribute towards achieving the Government’s net

zero carbon emissions 2050 target;

iii. Protect and enhance the County’s heritage, character and natural capital (including

air quality, water resource management and biodiversity); and

iv. Ensure the timely delivery of all necessary infrastructure.

5. Approves the development of robust and effective strategic partnerships to support

plan-making through the duty to cooperate and required for a viable, deliverable and

sound plan.

6. Approves the establishment of a cross-party group to provide oversight of the process

of making a new Local Plan and delegates authority to the Strategic Director of Places

in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning to establish a governance

structure in line with the Corporate Project Management governance framework. 

Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Tonight's Special Full Rutland County Council meeting to discuss the Local plan will be starting at 7 pm, 1 September 2021 at the Rutland Showground. 60 seats will be publicly available. The meeting can also be viewed online

Tonight's Special Full Rutland County Council meeting to discuss the Local plan will be starting at 7 pm, 1 September 2021 at the Rutland Showground. 60 seats will be publicly available. The meeting can also be listend to online

Venue: Rutland Showground, Venue: Rutland Showground, Showground Way, Oakham LE15 7TW - 
The meeting will be available to view at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85261800870 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Oakham Food, Drink & Craft Fair with Live Music Rutland Showground

Oakham Food, Drink & Craft Fair with Live Music Rutland Showground

This is The Queen Tribute Band coming to the Rutland Showground on Saturday 28th August 2021

This is The Queen Tribute Band coming to the Rutland Showground on Saturday 28th August

Recent Facebook Review:

They are not the best sorry we saw them at the Corn Exchange a while ago not really impressed might be other people's cup of tea but not ours.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Rutland Showground 'events' prompts review of how Oakham Town Council responds to emergencies, makes me angry and hopeful

I read the following article on Oakham Nub News, It makes me angry and also hopeful.


Oakham town councillor Adrian Orchard, is calling on the council to create an emergency response policy to help the town council grapple with such events and other emergencies.

Coun Orchard said: "Events at the Rutland Showground over the period 20-26th of June 2021 highlighted shortfalls in OTC policy for responding to unplanned events or natural disasters."

Oakham Town Council, he continued, "has a central role to play in developing and participating in all aspects of life in the town. It is a community leader, advocate and representative body."

For many years I have highlighted the inadequacies of Oakham Town Council and have been attacked for doing that. 

It makes me angry that we have to pay, for a town council that has a dishonest incompetent Clerk he cant ensure the council has proper policies and procedures and constantly ignores most of the recommendations of the internal auditor. 

Many times when I was a town councillor, I asked why do we not have an emergency plan? Why do we not store items to assist in an event of an emergency. 

The constant response was that is the job of Rutland County Council. One time I raised my concern, I had little faith that Rutland County Council, could look after us in an emergency, they had just completed a desk top exercise, what they would do if Rutland was flooded and they failed this task. 

The hope I have is what this new councillor Adrian Orchard is saying. We have had new councillors in the past, who have spoken in a similar way only to be shut down by the former Mayors like Adam Lowe and the Clerk. 

During lockdown the Town Council proved it served no purpose for the town. 

Of course the Mayor Dave Romney spent hundreds of  pounds of our money buying unneeded snacks and treats for NHS staff at the local hospital, for Rutland Melton Labour Party social media publicity.

Cllr Adam Lowe arranged for thousands of pounds to be given to one of the richest care companies in the country to buy PPE. 

Throughout the whole period of the Covid Pandemic the Town Council has not been there for the town. 

The Town Council needs to look at all its policies and if the Clerk and the assistant can't help then get one that can.

I once asked the Town Council when Alf Dewis was Mayor, why does the Town Council not have a strategic plan. It would be a good point for this council to start at if it really does want to serve the town.

Monday, June 28, 2021

The Fall Out From The Light and Life Event at Rutland Showground is all very sad but nothing new

The Fall Out From The Light and Life Event at Rutland Showground is all very sad but nothing new.

A few people in Rutland make it very difficult at times for others who live or work in the county. They can be very unkind.

The recent religious festival has given those few another opportunity to attack people in the most vile ways. It reminded me of how they behaved when the town centre improvements were being considered or there is a major planning application.

Rutland County Councillors who had no involvement in the religious festival, have received offensive phone calls once again and even been sworn at in the streets.

Showground staff and family have received serious abuse from those same residents. 

Here is one example of a staff members post on facebook.


Been asked ‘politely/demanded’ to take my previous post down for obvious but for those that know know as it contradicted a version of the truth which was a case of arse covering.

Many should be ashamed of their actions and the blame game. I am disgusted by the racism and inaccurate bullshit.

I hope we evaluate everything and reconsider our revenue options moving forward which may make individuals appreciate the bigger picture and just how much RAS gives away.. 

I am allowed to say the event was legal and all documentation was completed to a satisfactory standard.

I can’t control processes other than our own and I think lessons to be learnt across the board.

Although, I am ashamed of many individuals whom I know and considered friends and their comments and the abuse directed at myself and others that I work with.

I am left feeling quite poorly because of the online abuse and telephone calls which have been non stop. everyone goes on about beautiful kind Rutland, it’s also full of scum bags who need to look internally at the themselves whilst looking down on others from the gutter and question their own moral standards.




Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Rutland Showground Religious event will vacate site on Friday says Rutland County Council

Rutland Showground event will vacate site on Friday says Rutland County Council

Rutland County Council has clarified a decision by multi-agency partners that the Light and Life event will close on Thursday (24 June 2021) and the site will be vacated on Friday (25 June 2021) as originally planned by the event organisers. 

The Council has reviewed the event plans and risk assessments and made recommendations to the event organisers for improvements to the running of the event. 

Councillor Oliver Hemsley, Leader of Rutland County Council, explains: “This is not an ideal situation, and we are certainly not happy that we have had to retrofit processes to ensure the safe running of this event for attendees and our community. 

“We have two main issues that the Council and its partners, particularly the Police, are currently handling. The first being the safe running of the event, including ensuring it is operated within Covid-19 regulations and that traffic, noise and waste is managed appropriately. 

“The second is around a small, yet significantly impactful group of attendees which have chosen to disrespect our community. As a result, the Council and Police are having to manage the immediate impact of these attendees and will continue to do so to protect our community until the site is vacated on Friday.

“Allowing the site to be vacated on Friday, as originally planned by the event organisers, means the Council and its partners can develop and put in place plans to enable the safe departure of all attendees, minimising impact on our roads and infrastructure, ensuring attendees move on to their next destination, whether home or another event, without delay.”

In the meantime, residents, businesses and road users who have any concerns or information to report should follow the advice of Leicestershire Police - visit https://www.leics.police.uk/ro/report/ quoting reference Log 186 of 19 June 2021 or to call 101.

For the latest statement from the Police, who are working with Rutland County Council on this matter, please visit: https://www.leics.police.uk/news/leicestershire/news/2021/june/light-and-life-event-in-rutland---update/

Monday, June 21, 2021

Statement from Rutland County Council Leader, Councillor Oliver Hemsley regarding Travellers Christian Festival event at Rutland Showground

Statement from Rutland County Council Leader, Councillor Oliver Hemsley regarding Travellers Christian Festival event at Rutland Showground

It has been a challenging weekend for many of the county’s residents and businesses, and I would like to thank all residents for your support and patience. 

Rutland County Council was not made aware of this event as no event application was submitted in advance. 

Our standard event procedures require for event organisers to submit an event application and risk statements, which enable partners to review to ensure all aspects of an event – from health and safety, including compliance with Covid-19 regulations through to traffic management – are compliant. Unfortunately, without prior notification, the Council and its partners were unable to do this.

We have been working closely with partners, especially the Police, to manage and respond to the immediate issues arising from this event, including putting in place increased patrols across our community. 

Officers will be undertaking traffic management at key times, including school drop off and pick up, and will also be located at areas that are attracting increased numbers.

Plans are underway to ensure minimal disruption to the community at key points in the event, for example the event closing.

There is ongoing communication with the event organiser. We have reviewed their event procedures and documentation and will be making relevant recommendations to improve the running of this event to protect attendees and the wider community. 

Additionally, we are looking to increase the numbers and presence of our Covid-19 Marshalls in our towns, offering PPE to the event organisers to distribute amongst participants and providing PPE to key shops. 

I truly understand the concern that the events of this weekend have brought to the county and want to assure you that the Council and its partners are doing all we can to protect you. 

Superintendent Jonny Starbuck Update Light and Life Christian Travellers Festival Rutland Showground Update, A number of Offences including attempted robbery and anti social behavior, Two arrests made so far.

Superintendent Jonny Starbuck said: "Our presence continues in Oakham and at the Light and Life event at Rutland Show Ground. We have additional resources from the wider force to assist in dealing with issues that have been reported including an increase in anti-social behaviour, some criminal offences and driving offences.

"This is an outdoor event which is legal.  We have been working with the event organisers and partners to ensure that Covid rules are followed. 

"Local officers continue to patrol on the ground and to engage with local business owners and licensed premises.

"We are investigating a number of offences including attempted robbery and anti-social behaviour. Two arrests have been made so far.

"Residents in the area continue to report anti-social behaviour which we are responding to. We are working closely with our partners, with the organiser and with participants at the event to ensure that people can go about their usual business with the least disruption. Where offences are committed, we will deal with them effectively and robustly.

"Our enhanced visible presence throughout the day, both around the site and in the town itself, is there to enhance reassurance to our local communities whilst also supporting a swift response where needed.

"Anyone with any information is asked to report online at https://www.leics.police.uk/ro/report/ quoting reference log 186 of 19 June 2021 or to call 101."

I have noticed a much larger than normal police presence here in Oakham today. I also spotted a tactical support dog unit. 

A number of eating and drinking establishments are closed or closed early. 

I could only find one retail outlet that was closed due to the festival.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

The New Rutland Car Boot Rutland Showground Oakham Rutland

The New Rutland Car Boot Rutland Showground Oakham Rutland

Stallholder entry and set up from 9am. Tables not provided. Public Gate opens 11am til 3pm​

Saturday 17th April 2021 

Saturday 24 April 2021

Saturday 1 May 2021 

Saturday 8 May 2021


Monday, April 05, 2021

Rutland Car Boot is new for 2021 and will be held at the Rutland Showground on regular Saturdays starting from 17th April 2021.

Rutland Car Boot is new for 2021 and will be held at the Rutland Showground on regular Saturdays starting from 17th April 2021. There is no need to pre-book, simply turn up with a car load and set up your stall!


