Showing posts with label Subservient. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Subservient. Show all posts

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Conservative Rutland Times Subservient to Conservative Rutland County Council

Conservative Rutland Times Subservient to Conservative Rutland County Council

A reader of my blog, this morning asked  "why has the local press not picked up on my story, about the Councillors calling in the police at Rutland County Council?"

Good question I thought. The answer is in the title of this post. Also they have been conditioned to ignoring me... and there are no true journalists working at the paper any more. They rely heavily on incomplete press releases from both council meetings so often you will read a planning meeting Monday Evening with no time mentioned.

Although the Rutland County Councillor has put into writing he and others have called in the police. Rutland County Councils official line is nothing has happened. Chief Executive Helen Briggs and Head of Legal Services Geoff Pook then write to the Councillor in the normal bullying fashion to attempt to shut him up.

To be fair to the Rutland Times they do print rubbish from non Conservatives they give egotistic space to our good Town Mayor. One member of the public said who does she think she is "My Town" "My County"