Last night saw the Rutland Tory Party turn out in force, at what is billed by Oakham
Town Council as the Town Carol Concert, despite the Vicar back in 2005 telling
Mr Beech the council was not welcome at his church.
The Church of Engalnd News and Rutland Mecury reported: The vicar of All Saints Church in Oakham has banned the town council from holding its carol concert in the church.
The Rutland Mercury always a big supporter of the Tory mob said:
And the parish will be out of pocket because of the decision.
I cant see how? because the church was never paid and when I was a town councillor I remember
seeing a more recent letter from the vicar telling the council the costs of holding the event were
too high. That was after Mayor Cllr Sharon Spencer held her concert in the church once the collection
was split between the church received £50. I should think it will be the same for last night as many
who scoffed mince pies and downed free wine avoided the collection plate on the way out.
Back in 2005 The Rev Lee Francis-Dehqani said he is happy to accommodate a carol service, but not a carol concert, and says events which do not have religious elements are best held at a secular venue.
Remembering this the Mayor Cllr Dewis threw a few lessons and a blessing from the Tory Leader of Prayer The Rev Canon Lee Francis-Dehqani
Back in 2005
Mayor Paul Beech said he was dismayed by the decision and says he hopes Mr Francis–Dehqani will change his mind.
I am sure the Town Council using public money to service the clock belonging to private
property has helped with the return of the concert to the church, last year Mayor Cllr Lucas
hired the Castle, it was less formal and enjoyable and most of the mob failed to turn up.
Last night Mr Paul Beech the disgraced former Councillor, bully and thug enjoyed a reserved seat with his good wife, Mr Beech has not been a Councillor since 2007 he has enjoyed partaking in council affairs since then. Rutland County Council highly recommend his B&B to temporary staff, who soon move out and he and his wife's catering company interests are often used by the council with little or no consideration of other companies.
Mr Beech right remembrance Sunday 2012 (£80 fine) Last night he smile with a cheesy grin.
Back in 2005
Mr Beech said: ''I'm disappointed that we are not going to be able to hold the concert in the church, mainly because of the amount of local people that have enjoyed it over the years.
It is very hard to find an ordinary residents who attend this event and over the years of observing you
can even work out the small split amongst those who control are local governance by their presence
or lack of it.
This year saw the boozy side of that group attend.
Significantly From Roger Begy downwards, My deluded , lying Tory Councillor Gene Plews and his wife.
Two fingers Beech and former Cllr Tyers
Sue Tyers Former Councllor and Primary School Governor
Inspector Johnny Johnny Monks a big supporter of the Rutland Tories
said Mrs Tyers being filmed by ex mayor Jim Harrison exposing her
dignity in the street drunk at 10.00 am was not offensive or unacceptable
behaviour for a school governor and to think a nearby force just sacked an
Inspector for posting his penis on his girl friends Facebook page.
So maybe standards are starting to improve. when our dignitaries publish
their antics on You Tube in future Leicestershire Police might not find it so acceptable.
Back to the service it was fairly well attended, I am sure we will read the
usual exaggerated account of events in the Rutland Times from our Mayor.
Alf Dewis (Standing room only that sort of little fib he can't help using)
I decided to arrive 30 minutes early and sit out of the way. Twice I was approached
by the church warden and told there will be no photography permitted tonight.
I spoke to the vicar, although I had not intended to photograph during the service.
His response was the church was owned by him and the church wardens and as
there were a few people attending tonight who don't like me he was insisting I
obeyed his request or he would ask me to leave and if I did not leave he would have
me removed from his private property the church.. It's always nice to meet the friendly
caring parish priest. At this point I said Father I would have expected a little more
compassion form a man in your position, by that I was not expecting him to permit
photography. He knows what I mean. I hope he remembers his description of his
church when he and his wardens approach the town council begging for tax payers
money next year for the servicing of their clock.
Whilst outside Inspector Mystry arrived unlike in the past he recognised my presences.
Which was a pleasant change.
I decided, I would listen to the service outside and return inside for the
As one would expect from at any local Tory freebie, the wine was flowing in tacky
plastic beakers. Drinking stations were set up at in the North, South and West of the
I passed Cllr Plews, he was taking an interest in my mobile phone I was holding, possibly
worried I was recording his lies? I was only showing shocked church officials the photograph
of the respectable Mr Beech.
I passed Cllr Roger Begy, not looking his best as always, I politely greeted him and
was ignored.
I spoke with a retired clergy man, who said "When I had my church, I had a rule
at Christmas, drunks left their glasses and bottles outside the church door"
Another church official said I am a lefty, it stinks in here tonight. I am assuming a lefty is
not a Rutland Tory? because he added he hated Begy rather a strong word to use in church.
I am so pleased the real parish services at Christmas are not attended by many of the rotten borough
controllers..The real decent residents of Oakham are much more dignified and welcoming.
There were of course a handful of those people there last night including the Lord Lieutenant
and his wife.
On my way out the Parish clerk staggered into me looked at me a grunted, no manners!