Showing posts with label Very silly and childish bullying Mayor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Very silly and childish bullying Mayor. Show all posts

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Oakham Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe Filming Me, Very silly and childish bullying Mayor Video

Oakham Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe Filming Me, Very silly and childish bullying Mayor

recently Oakham Mayor has taken to filming me and sending people of Rutland 
emails about me because as he states people of Rutland need to know the real
Cllr Brookes. Its all a bit strange and silly as I tell the Mayor as he filmed me
this evening after a meeting with his ipad. This is a short edited clip just to
show how strange things have become at Oakham Town Council.
He started his film by saying this so the people of Rutland can see the real
Cllr Brookes. It ended with him telling me to get out of the council because
I make it smell. Such a nice man is our Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe.

I suspect Cllr Lowe and his friends have a secret blog to share all his clips 
of me as they on their 'homophobic crude and crass blog' (district Judges description) which they eventually made public.

Cllr Tracy Carr responds to the events of tonight's Council meeting
My responses in red


You are factually wrong on so many things, clearly pinning you ear to a door only gives you snippets so you've decided to make the rest up.

The clerk hasn't pestered anyone, you've totally misinterpreted that part of the discussion.
And with regards to the evidence that the Clerk could bring to a tribunal, I would suggest you would be a big contributing factor as well. I have emails that you copied the Clerk into stating 'no confidence' in the clerk.

I accept pestering might be the wrong description
Stating  'no confidence' in the clerk is not bullying it is a fact that has been proved
and due to the incompetent few Cllrs who have created this problem the Clerk is
likely to receive tax payers money which he does not deserve. He acted unlawfully 
just as the former Mayor of Oakham did and for that I am also subjected to bullying.
Our current Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe support his fellow bully that made the clerk go of sick. 

Your behaviour tonight was off the scale and it wouldn't be tolerated in any other setting and I stand by the decision to exclude you.  How demeaning it must have been to resort to listening at a door, have you no dignity?

Meetings are for discussing, debating, considering and deciding. It's not a boxing match weigh-in. The insults you were throwing around, your aggressive body language isn't necessary nor acceptable.

Fortunately I filmed the meeting to show up to the point Adam Lowe lost it there was nothing 
wrong with my conduct. 
After the meeting I called Cllr Lucas a stupid cow and expressed how annoyed I was to Cllr Lowe
I can't help my body language I am a big person a bit overweight so understandable I could be seen
as a threat to a drain pipe woman Councillor I was not rude to her or any other member.
Cllr Lowe said I should get out of the council because I make it smell! It appears the council is still not working.

It's interesting that you haven't stated why you were excluded? I'm a reasonable and rationale person so please point anyone who disagrees with your exclusion in my direction. I will have no problem in explaining the situation.

It is my understanding I was excluded because Cllr Lowe did not like me interrupting as I was 
seeking clarification about something before I voted. He decided I was refusing to vote. 

Also the item you've blogged about or threatened to blog about (I never read them so I've no idea what you put on) is confidential so there may be consequences for you putting something in the public domain.

No doubt you'll drag out some policy or law that you've interpreted in your own way, which means you can do what you want without any thought for others.

I'm astounded that you have no self awareness, so I'm not expecting a rational response from.

If you need to email, can you email people directly, the constant barrage is draining.


Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Oakham Town Council Agrees to accept resignation from the Town Clerk in return for a lump sum payment.

Oakham Town Council Agrees to accept resignation from the Town Clerk in return for a lump sum payment.

I was excluded from a meeting after five members voted to support Cllr Lowe (Chairman)
proposal to exclude me from the meeting.

It seemed to me all rather to convenient that the exclusion was proposed before two exempted items.

As I was excluded and I believe it is in the public interest I am sharing the following information
overheard from the meeting as it moved into the councils office.

Before I start I would like to state that Cllr Adam Lowe is a bully.

Currently the Clerk is once again off work on long term sick because he was bullied by Cllr Alf Dewis the former Mayor who resigned for unlawful conduct earlier this year.

The Clerk is understandable depressed.

Cllr Adam Lowe blamed Mr Dewis for one of the reasons for the council could not sack the clerk
he explained Alf Dewis is good at doing things but in this case he failed to provide written notes.

Cllr Adam Lowe went on to tell members the council has plenty of evidence to prove the Clerk
had breached his contract and had in fact broken the law. He went on to highlight some of
the issues I have raised with the external auditor.

I have been subject to years of bullying from people like Cllr Lowe and Dewis for pointing
out the Clerks failings and lawbreaking.

The Clerk joined a union the union ask for a large sum of money the Council offered half and
now the Clerk has offered his resignation for a little more than half the original request.

Whilst I support the Clerk should be compensated for the bullying he has suffered over the
last two years. I say let him take the council to the tribunal I will give evidence supporting
the Clerks claim and if he is successful then the councils insurance will pay out.
The Clerk over the years has been placed under immense pressure to support the campaign
to get me removed from the council and I am sorry he was to weak to stand up to the bullies
Such as Alf Dewis, Adam Lowe and Joyce Lucas.

Cllr Joyce Lucas was excited by the outcome and said the thousands of pounds the Oakham
Tax Payers will have to pay the Clerk was cheap.

Cllr Adam Lowe said Chris from Employment Solutions Ltd said the sum was the best investment the council could agree.

What this daft council fail to forget is the clerks unlawful conduct is subject to a current
external audit being conducted by Grant Thornton who will publicly publish their findings
which Cllr Lowe already confirmed to members this evening. The Clerk made unlawful payments.
To me that is misconduct in public office and the Clerk in my opinion should be prosecuted
for misconduct in public office.

Cllr Adam Lowe told members the Clerk has been pestering Chris from Employment Solutions
Ltd asking has the council made a decision yet. He went on to say the Clerk would be happy to
accept the lower thousands and walk away with no shame and say he had done a good job at
Oakham Town Council.

I am sorry as a Councillor who represents the taxpayers of Oakham I can accept the Clerk
is rewarded for poor and unlawful conduct in public office and he should accept the consequences.

I fully support a counter claim for bullying because it is common knowledge he was bullied by at least three Mayors mentioned in this post.

I have personally experienced bullying from all three and their supporters.

Their bullying conduct is the reason the council is not working.

I fully expect to be bullied further for exposing this matter.

Cllr Lowe and Lucas and others involved in this sorry state of affairs should resign.