Showing posts with label essential purchase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label essential purchase. Show all posts

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Britannia Hotels: Cleaning Kit, Staying at The Not So Grand Hotel, Scarborough, I found this was an essential purchase.


Britannia Hotels: Cleaning Kit, Staying at The Grand Hotel Scarborough, I found this was an essential purchase. 

They say the rooms are cleaned and sanitized before arrival. 

All the surfaces were dirty. 

Spare Towels Might Also Help, I followed the instructions regarding towels and they were not replaced they just vanished. 

I know its a budget hotel, but surely its not too much of an expectation for rooms to be cleaned before arrival?

Due to Covid-19 they don't service rooms while you stay, so I would have thought that would have given staff more time to clean rooms.

My room was not sealed although they give information stating they do this. 

I could not see seals on any other room. 

I found a half eaten stick of rock behind the curtain and litter on top of the wardrobe. 

The window would not open and it was so dirty I could not see out.

Its no surprise they get so many bad reviews. A poster has appeared in the entrance saying the hotel is currently being refurbished. Check in takes so long here I could not be bother to queue for another hour to complain. The last time I had a dirty room was many years ago in Tunisia. I bought cleaning stuff and gave up and moved hotel there.

It is great shame this hotel is in such a poor state, especially when you consider its location and its history.

After my second day a notice appeared in the lobby informing guests of refurbishment. The problem I see is the refurbishment is only covering up the dirt and cracks. That can be the new carpet or plastic sheeting covering old tiles in the showers rooms. 

I think they are doing a better job at the Norbreck Hotel in Blackpool, my room there unlike some had been recently refurbished. I did not eat there.

I book breakfast at the Grand Hotel Scarborough 
although it was made up of cheap ingredients the 
restaurant has a hygiene rating Five
Some of our local cafes can only manage One.
The staff were very good and everything was clean.

The hotel is also home for thousands of Seagulls that poop
all over it. The Gulls also mess all over the town centre.

The Grand Hotel Scarborough, 
Anne Bronte died on a house on this site in 1849.
and it was once the largest hotel in Europe.
It has a room for each day of the year.
The building has many interesting facts.
It is built in a V shape viewed from above as
a tribute to Queen Victoria.