Showing posts with label Highways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Highways. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Rutland County Council, Highways, Litter, Oakham, Rutland

Very late last night, a comment was posted the user says I don't have the guts to leave the comment. Fine! I wonder when they will have the guts not to use a proxy server to hide there ID.

Part of that comment:

"He has always manipulated situations to make himself look good, he is the person who constantly berates and puts down others when they disagree, he has a fictitious bag of "members of the public" who question things, yet we all know its his deranged way of questioning things in his twisted and outlandish way."

One thing a Councillor has to remember is when a member of the public speaks to them their details should remain confidential. Sometimes people do give consent for there details to be given to the council or another body. You don't often hear a MP stand up in parliament and say Mrs Smith told me. Mrs Smith is known as the constituent

With the recent case of litter I can name Oakham Wines and the Health Shop

Rutland County Council wrote and said the streets are swept daily, not true according to highways they are only litter picked daily. Our good council has no money to empty a bin?

Highways say, Litter is not cleared from the kerbs because people have in the past claimed from the council for damage to their car caused by Street Cleaners retrieving litter?

The Council says no money to improve services, It has the money to pay the leader of th council £22,000 + a year, a chief executive over £100,000 a year to manage nothing anymore, as she has passed most responsibilities and staff to other Councils, you could say she is putting herself and other senior people out of work?

The Highways Depot is to move back into the main council office. The staff are not happy because they will have no place to park their cars, most live out of town. This will please Stamford Road residents. The Council  has also forgot it owns a number of HGV's and Vans no provision has been made for the parking of these once the High Ways Depot is closed. Stamford Road?

The Owner of Oakham Wine like many traders in the town is fed up with the poor excuses Rutland County Council keeps creating.

They all say visitors don't come to visit Oakham to see littered streets.

Oakham Wines has to place a box outside its store to collect the litter that blows down the high street into his store and then has to pay to dispose of this litter.

The Health Shop are fed up with people waiting for the buses and dropping litter and fag ends outside their store everyday, they requested a £200  litter bin the Council cant afford it?

The Council suggested Traders sponsor bins, I passed information onto another store owner the only response I can publish is "I pay enough rates"

So there you have it a couple of names not fictitious! Its my view  the Chief Executive the Leader and Deputy Leader and the conservative Cabinet are a load of rubbish.

Rutland County Highways say they have never seen the box at Oakham Wine and the streets are clean, so here is a photograph of the box.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Rutland County Councils Dangerous Obstructions Dean's Street Oakham

Rutland County Council Dangerous Obstruction

Above is one of the new dangerous additions to Dean's Street Oakham.

Dean's Street is a one way system, traffic leaves the street at this point, onto Melton Road. If one of S A P S  customers parks here because they are too lazy to park their 4x4 in the car park at the rear of the store. 

The driver can not see up Melton Road.

I watched a near miss as a car came out of  Dean's and car left Melton Road to park in the other new space that obstructs cars turning left. It nearly hit the car. 

What was Mr Brown at Highways thinking of when he agreed this change. Has he not read his High Code it is illegal to park this close to a junction.