Wednesday, March 17, 2010

All this Mess!

Tonight I was told I have never been seen to say sorry, not true if I am wrong I will apologise.

I was also told over the last week I am responsible for a lot of disputes and upset amongst some Oakham families.

I don't accept this, and to be frank the have only had to deal with this mess over the last week. I have had to deal with this mess for over a year now.

I wish people would just grow up.

I am pleased the planet neptune blog is no more.

I reluctantly removed photographs of people who have made my life a misery over the last year.
After the started a dispicable campaign of harrasment and bullying.

I hope this mess has ended. I request people refrain from suggesting who has been involved because often this information has been wrong although I believe it was provided with good intention.