Showing posts with label Europe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Europe. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

World Aids Day 1st December

Aids Charities in the

UK. / Europe / USA / World 

HIV: Act Aware – World AIDS Day 01 December 2010

Over 90,000 people are living with HIV in the UK and new infections continue every year. World AIDS Day 2010 is all about raising awareness to tackle HIV prejudice and help stop the spread of HIV. Get tested - it is recommended that gay men have a test at least once a year.

HIV tests are confidential and it is possible to access 'rapid tests' where you can get the result there and then. Find out where!

We all can make a difference, whether it's through a donation, volunteering or simply making wiser decisions regarding your sexual health. Together we can stop the spread of HIV and end prejudice. HIV: Act Aware.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dean's Street Oakham Has Moved

Yes Dean's Street has moved
well just the Photography Studios
not the street

Standards Descision Notice SBE-10895-C93Q4 Oakham Town Council

Standards for England

Subject member Cllr Alf Dewis
Member's Authority Oakham Town Council
Complainant Cllr Martin Brookes
Standards committee authority Rutland County Council


On 28th May 2010, the assessment sub-committee of Rutland County Councils standards committee decided to refer the above allegation to Standards for England. It was received by Standards for England on 17 June 2010.

The allegation is summarised in the authority's decision notice.


When a standards committee refers an allegation to Standards for England, it must make one of three decisions.

refer the case to one of its ethical standards officers;
refer the allegation back to the standards committee of the relevent authority; or
take no further action.

Having carefully considered the information provided to it, Standards for England has decided, in accordance with section 58(2) of the local government act 2000, as amended, to take no further action.

Reason for decision

The complainant has alledged that the subject member has breached the Code by goading the complainant and speaking to him in an intimidating manner.

The alleged conduct occurred during the annaul general meeting of Rutland County Council, but both attended the meeting as "observers". Neither are members of the County Council, but both are members of Oakham Town Council.

There is no evidence that either the complainant or subject member were attending the County Council meeting in their capacity as members of the Town Council, or that by doing so they were acting, claiming or giving the impression of acting as members of the Town Council. I do not consider therefore that the code if conduct applies inrelation to the alledged behaviour of the subject member.

Furthermore, the complainant's letter refers to the subject member speaking to him in an "intimidating and childish manner", that he tried to "provoke" the complainant and that the subject member's behaviour was "harassing" the complainant. No further details are provided of the alleged conduct.

I do not consider that the code applies to the subject member's conduct, nor that any breach of the code is disclosed on behalf of the subject member.

I have decided to take no further action in relation to this allegation.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

London Gay Pride

I wondered why this post was receiving the most hits this week
then I saw a Tweet from a Homophobic local  resident referring
to the Daily Mail article referring to the Tesco Sponsorship of
London Pride.
So I thought I would update the content posted in 2010
to include links to photograph sets I took at Pride 2010

London Pride Trafalgar Square  http://martinbrookes.blogspot.com/2010/07/london-pride-trafalgar-square.html

London Pride Photographs Part 1 http://martinbrookes.blogspot.com/2010/07/london-pride-photographs-part-1.html

London Pride Part 2 http://martinbrookes.blogspot.com/2010/07/london-pride-part-2.html

London Pride part 3 http://martinbrookes.blogspot.com/2010/07/london-pride-part-3.html

London Pride Part 4 http://martinbrookes.blogspot.com/2010/07/london-pride-part-4.html

London Pride Covent Garden http://martinbrookes.blogspot.com/2010/07/london-pride-covent-garden.html

London Pride Soho http://martinbrookes.blogspot.com/2010/07/london-pride-soho.html



Saturday, June 26, 2010

Oakham Town Council Obstruction

The following is posted for any of those who may have any doubt my work as a councillor is obstructed.

But after a lot of complain there are small improvement, it also helps members of the public now attend meetings and are willing to write statements.

The following was accepted at the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee of Oakham Town Council held on Wednesday 23rd June 2010

68/10 (Appendix A)

Cllr Brookes asked that the minutes included the fact that he made numerous attempts to ask that it be proposed and seconded that a decision had been taken outside of the meeting with relation item 61/10 (i)  in the draft minutes* (*that should read during the meeting I had asked and not been allowed to make the proposal) but this had not been allowed by the Chairman of the meeting (Cllr Charles Haworth)  This was agreed and it was proposed by Cllr Dewis (a surprise change) seconded by Cllr Walters and agreed  5 votes for and 3 abstentions (3 abstentions made by those not present at the previous meeting) that the amended minutes be approved as a true record of that meeting and be signed by the chairman.
The minutes were to be amended accordingly and the agreed changed initialled by the chairman.

Cllr Haworth was reported to standards for his bullying conduct.

Next weeks council meeting will also require emended minutes.

The minutes of the extra council meeting of Oakham Town Council held on Wednesday 16th June 2010

The following is not a true record of event although there is a admission of some delay, I suggest there was some considerable delay and the events that took place were illegal.

From minutes:

Cllr Woodcock took the chair

It was proposed by Cllr Brookes, that:

"under section 1(2) of the public bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960 and in accordance with standing order 61 it is proposed that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they were asked to withdraw.

After some delay, and prior to the Chairman moving onto the next item of business, this proposal was seconded by Cllr Walters and agreed 6 votes for and 1 abstention.

The above is not a true record of events as stated previously on my blog, two statements given by members of public have been provided to the council.

I also made a complaint to the standards committee regarding Cllr Dewis and his conduct.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Oakham Town Council Purchased Oakham Town Clerk Mobile

Oakham Town Council Purchased its Clerk Richard White a Pay as You Go mobile and credit,

so councillors can contact him.

Do I as a Cllr have this number? No?

Why is the tax payer expected to fund the town clerks luxury items??

Monday, June 21, 2010

Mr Carey Arts For Rutland to Resign

I am pleased to read Mr Carey is offering his resignation and few more should follow.

The Bullying and Harassment I have been subjected to over the past year by

the friends of Cllr Jan Fillingham has been totally unacceptable.

If readers  check Arts for Rutland Web Site you will see Arts for Rutland is funded by the Tax Payer,
Funding from Rutland County Council and The Arts Council.

And it must stop!

Cllr Martin Brookes

Email sent from a obvisouly more sober Mr Carey.

Mr Brookes,

I have told you before that I do not like you and don't agree with what

you are doing and I have been incensed with the pain and anguish you

have inflicted upon a number of people in Oakham that I know and and

respect. I do not wish to have any communications from you on any

subject. These are my own views and are not in anyway associated with

Arts for Rutland. I do not want any personal issues I have with you to

detract from the hard work and public benefit that other members of

Arts for Rutland have brought to Rutland, and with that in view I have

offered my resignation from the Committee.

Incidentally you have got your facts wrong yet again, - Maureen Dodds

does not sit on the RATS Committee or any other Committee of which I am

involved. As far as I understand the tax-payer is not funding Arts for



Mr Carey

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Rutland Hippo Stolen

Have you seen this Hippo

The Hippo was one of the first to be placed on
show for the
Rutland Festival

The hippos were purchased with Arts Council Money
such a waste.

This Hippo was placed on the
Stamford Road
 round about
on Monday

Before hippo was stolen it was
photographed by
local photographer
Mr Morgan
click to see full size image

Monday, June 14, 2010

Derby Pride 2010

X Factors Laura White

Will appear at this years
Derby Pride

The event will be staged
on 10th July 2010

it will include a parade through the town centre

Thursday, June 10, 2010

41 complaints made against Oakham Town Councillors

41 complaints made against Oakham Town Councillors

It is reported on Rutland Radio News, 41 Complaints against Oakham Town Councillors.

I know six of those were made against me. Five from former Town Councillors and one as part of his warm welcome was made by Cllr Charles Haworth supporting them.

Strangely I still do not know the details of the allegations.

The Radio reports 11 complaints have been referred to Standards for England for further investigation.

I am aware four of the six complaints made against me have been referred for further investigation I am sure the former councillors and Cllr Haworth will be disappointed with that outcome.

18 complaints have been unfounded.

The remaining complaints are subject to continued investigation.

The Chief Executive Helen Briggs gave a radio interview in which she said the high volume of complaints had put Rutland County Council under immense pressure. She also suggest this is a burden on Council Tax Payers, I strongly object to this tact, it suggests the council does not want to hear complaints and is happy for Oakham Town Councillor to bully and conduct themselves in a homophobic manner.

Has she also forgot Rutland County Council ha received a similar high volume of complaints about its members over the past year. Rutland County Council does not seek publicity or concern for the tax payer when it deals with these complaint 16 directed at Cllr Roger Begy, Leader of Rutland County Council. I don’t think the tax payers complain for good reason and maybe it is time Rutland County Council also took a good look at how they behave towards the public.

Oops there goes my access to the internet via the library computers, maybe not the head of legal services Mr Pook did say they can accept criticism something tells me they cant and the threat of a ban suggest this is not the case.

I suggest she attends one of our meetings then she would know what real pressure is.

If Rutland County Council had correctly monitored the parish council in the past they would not be subject to this pressure now?

Interestingly Rutland County Council has sent along a member of the Standards Committee to observe the past two meetings. During his first visit Cllr Joyce Lucas made him feel very comfortable and made sure members knew who he was and the reason why he was present. She did not directly inform me, I overheard her trying to discreetly tell other members. I spoke to the monitoring officer and he confirmed what Cllr Lucas told others to be true. Cllr Lucas is also a member of the Standards Committee.

This was a deliberate attempt by Cllr Lucas to make sure everyone accept me knew so they could put on their best show. Like many of the members of the Council I have received no training and it is highly likely I made mistakes.

I am not sure if the visits by the Standards Committee members is meant to be secret but I am sure this is a clear example of how self regulating is exploited as does not work.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Oakham Town Council Co-opting News FLash

Please be advised that Mrs Sue Tyers has withdrawn her application for the vacant seats in oakham South East.

Sue was to be interviewed first at 5.45pm on the 16th June.
Good news, the passing notes is frowned on by some members of Oakham Town Council and its former members!

Oakham Town Council Co-opting

Oakham Town Council

Co-option of members farce.

Dear Oakham Town Council.

Once again I hear news from a member of the public, regarding council business.

I refer to next weeks interviews to be held at the Council offices for those who applied for co-option.

I have been shown a letter sent to a candidates, giving them an interview time for next Wednesday.

Why have I not been consulted? to find if I am available to attend the interviews or the planned meeting to follow?

Exclusion again!

This council is a total sham! I am sure you have already decided who you wish to co-opt. This has always been the case in the past, I read news archives with interest, the reason for Mr Beech’s resignation was for this very reason dissatisfied with the Town Council handling of co-option of members.

I have read the letters from applicants, Mrs Tyers letter suggests the Town Clerk sent her notes, this suggest to me the Town Clerk has been begging for her return. I am looking forward to interviewing her next week if she is not disqualified beforehand. I have asked Rutland County Council Democratic Services to investigate.

Could the council please explain why they are determined to keep seats filled by people who don’t attend meetings?

Cllr Swiffin attended one meeting after six months and has not attended since.

At the annual town meeting an awful report was handed out to the public after Cllr Sharon Spencer refused to read it because of its content. I refer to the report written by Cllr Jan Fillingham. In this report she said she became ill this January but is now cured this is good news. Cllr Fillingham has not attended a meeting for six months. I am pleased the Town Council have now resolved the issue of the six month rule and we are able vote this evening to decide to extend Cllr Fillinghams absence.

As a resident who lives in Cllr Fillinghams Ward, I like many of the residents did not know who our Councillors were. The absence of any councillor to serve this ward over the past 6 month+ is unacceptable. The council has delayed co-opting for no good reason and continues to support Councillors absence. I think this suits the elite group of Oakham Town Councillor who wish to run the Council as they feel fit. An additional four Councillors could scupper their voting policy when it comes to decision making. Hopefully the two new members will be chosen next week and the other two seats that have not been active for over a half a year can be filled with people who wish to serve the community.

As you are most likely to refuse me the chance to make any proposals at tonight meeting.

I am writing the following requests.

The schedule of payments show an increase in spending for refreshments.

I suggest the Town Clerk and Assistant Clerk purchase their own refreshments. This is common practice in any efficient work place. The Tax payer should not be paying for this perk.

Also can we stop purchasing bottled water for council meetings; the bottles cause a great deal of damage to the environment many other councils realise this and no longer purchase bottles. This is even the case at Rutland County Council.

I have recently looked into the licensed premises issue and find Victoria Hall has a plan attached to its licence. The council chamber and office is marked in a red box excluding the two rooms from the licence. Therefore the council should have no issue with my following request.

This means the Council offices or chamber, are not licensed for the consumption of booze.

Can I request the council refrain from purchasing wine at the expense of the tax payers.

It is true this may only happen once or twice a year, mainly at the Christmas Shopping event when Councillors and friends hold a reception in the Chamber suggesting it is a public event. I have spoken to some members of the public who feel very strongly about this issue and say very clearly none of their council tax should be spent on the purchase of wine. I tend to agree afterall we are not buying this wine for all 10,000 residents of Oakham they would never fit in the chamber.

I recently attended a meeting at Rutland County Council The Leader reported alcohol abuse is a serious concern her in Rutland. Can we not set an example by banning it consumption at any council event. If not a ban no more to be paid for by the tax payer.

You certainly wont be seeing me taking wine glasses being produced out of my bag at any event I attend . That’s a special comment for former Councillor Mrs Tyers. Cllr Joyce Lucas told me how you hoped I would photograph you doing that! In the market place and the bandstand!


Martin Brookes

Monday, June 07, 2010

Rutland County Show Photographs

The Rutland County Show 2010

The weather forecast was not good and I was thinking about not visiting after the events of last year, when the organisers had me kicked out.

I am pleased I did go along. The turn out was not as high as past years and there seemed to be a few less traders and event. The rain stayed away.

At 8.30 am Rutland was still a little misty. I arrived at the show ground to be told entry concessions only applied to old people not unemployed. I unfortunately had only saved the £6 so the lady agreed to let me in.

I had a good look around handmade walking sticks were popular this year.

Mr Moore owner of Moores was preparing the fruit for Free Pimm’s.
I tried one of his new mints all blue and white. Later on in the day
I enjoyed a few glasses of Mr Moores free Pimm’s and food at lunch time much appreciated.

Then I visited Andrew from Woodlands Farm. (BBC Radio 4 Food & Farming Award Winner 2009- 10


Woodlands Organic Farm

Wash Road,


PE20 2DN

The farm is holding an open day Sunday 11th July 2010

10am – 4pm

Free Admission

Toffee and Fudge looked nice but doesn’t do the diet any good so I just looked!

There was something hot Chillies this attracted, members of the RAF.

Solar energy was on show.

Then I popped into the Rutland Marquee Company Limited
a few of their Marquee’s could be spotted around the show ground.



The Marquee was shared with Dean’s Street Photography.
I am wondering if their will be a new name once they move in the Maltings off Mill Street later this month.

I was tempted to eat a jelly baby but it lived to see another day!



I passed Discover Rutland tourist information contracted out to Lincolnshire County Council, Rutland Trading Standards contracted to Peterborough City Council, Rutland County Council Adult Learning, Rutland County Council Waste Management and Rutland County Council young People’s Service all had stands.

I then went into a large marquee full of very interesting stall WI cakes yum!, The old fashion pudding company I could not pass by with out trying the chocolate pudding delicious.


Fabulous Vodka Company, very true caramel vodka so tasty I could have drunk the bottle, but I guess not wise.

There were some things potty and dotty, Rocking horses, cheese and things old.

Then I spotted Patrick Latham of 3rd Man Cartoons.


Outside again I acquired a couple of packets of my favourite local crisps.

Pipers made by farmers www.piperscrisps.com

The crisps are made in the beautiful Lincolnshire Wolds’ I have to believe them I have never been to see if it is.

If you live in Oakham you can purchase these crisps at the Horn Blower bar if you like them hot they may still have stocks of the Cracked Indian Pepper. I am not a fan of hot food. I am told the recipe has changed and new batches won’t be so hot.

Macmillan ladies and gentleman were as usual working hard to raise money for their cause. (I will get into trouble for this, but I wonder why there were thousands of bottles of booze to be won when cancer research is currently running a TV ad campaign about the danger of mouth cancer caused by booze?)

Then I took a look at the cattle, horses, classic cars and tractors.

Plenty of plants were on sale for the gardeners.

Leicestershire and Rutland Police had a stand offering information, this year there was not uniform presence inside the showground, I wonder if that had anything do with the comment made by a senior Scotland Yard Officer. Leicestershire police had in the past been used as cheap security guards in the past by the organisers. I enjoyed a glass of Pimm’s with the event security and stewards this year now that’s something you would not find our uniformed police doing whilst on duty, Well I am pleased the Pimm’s kept them busy and I was not frog marched out of the showground because the toff’s did not want me there as was the case last year. They really must escape from their private Marquee and mingle with the real people.

It was good to see our MP Alan Duncan and James, Roger Beggy Leader of Rutland County Council and a few other County Councillors out amongst the people.

In the main arena I watched a man with no fear on a quad bike flying through the air and first I thought it was the effect of the Pimm’s so I changed to soft drinks. The man warmed up on a motor bike and performed stunts using two quad bike. He also gave a live commentary saying it proved men can multi task, Well Said!

The fire service put on a show by their stand they rescued
Rutland Radio presenter Rob Perssani from a wrecked car.

I met Mary Lamont she was the first female plumber in the UK back in 2007 Mary Lamont won The Stamford & Rutland Mercury's Business Personality of the Year. In 2008, Lamont Plumbing Services were runners up in the Stamford & Rutland Mercury's Green Awards.

I met a ferret!

A vet was licked to death by two lovely dogs!

I arrived home just as the first rumble of thunder could be heard.

Many Thanks to Moores Estate Agents for the refreshments and food


A special note to the nasty people who constantly write to Job Centre Plus suggesting I am paid to photograph local events.

I have not been paid to photograph this event

I have not been paid to include links, the links are included because these people are nice people unlike you rotten sods.

Just a thought do you know how much it costs the tax payer for each investigation and visit to my home. The investigator comes from Lincoln a lot and their time could be used to catch cheats.