Monday, June 21, 2010

Mr Carey Arts For Rutland to Resign

I am pleased to read Mr Carey is offering his resignation and few more should follow.

The Bullying and Harassment I have been subjected to over the past year by

the friends of Cllr Jan Fillingham has been totally unacceptable.

If readers  check Arts for Rutland Web Site you will see Arts for Rutland is funded by the Tax Payer,
Funding from Rutland County Council and The Arts Council.

And it must stop!

Cllr Martin Brookes

Email sent from a obvisouly more sober Mr Carey.

Mr Brookes,

I have told you before that I do not like you and don't agree with what

you are doing and I have been incensed with the pain and anguish you

have inflicted upon a number of people in Oakham that I know and and

respect. I do not wish to have any communications from you on any

subject. These are my own views and are not in anyway associated with

Arts for Rutland. I do not want any personal issues I have with you to

detract from the hard work and public benefit that other members of

Arts for Rutland have brought to Rutland, and with that in view I have

offered my resignation from the Committee.

Incidentally you have got your facts wrong yet again, - Maureen Dodds

does not sit on the RATS Committee or any other Committee of which I am

involved. As far as I understand the tax-payer is not funding Arts for



Mr Carey