Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Oakham Town Council Co-opting

Oakham Town Council

Co-option of members farce.

Dear Oakham Town Council.

Once again I hear news from a member of the public, regarding council business.

I refer to next weeks interviews to be held at the Council offices for those who applied for co-option.

I have been shown a letter sent to a candidates, giving them an interview time for next Wednesday.

Why have I not been consulted? to find if I am available to attend the interviews or the planned meeting to follow?

Exclusion again!

This council is a total sham! I am sure you have already decided who you wish to co-opt. This has always been the case in the past, I read news archives with interest, the reason for Mr Beech’s resignation was for this very reason dissatisfied with the Town Council handling of co-option of members.

I have read the letters from applicants, Mrs Tyers letter suggests the Town Clerk sent her notes, this suggest to me the Town Clerk has been begging for her return. I am looking forward to interviewing her next week if she is not disqualified beforehand. I have asked Rutland County Council Democratic Services to investigate.

Could the council please explain why they are determined to keep seats filled by people who don’t attend meetings?

Cllr Swiffin attended one meeting after six months and has not attended since.

At the annual town meeting an awful report was handed out to the public after Cllr Sharon Spencer refused to read it because of its content. I refer to the report written by Cllr Jan Fillingham. In this report she said she became ill this January but is now cured this is good news. Cllr Fillingham has not attended a meeting for six months. I am pleased the Town Council have now resolved the issue of the six month rule and we are able vote this evening to decide to extend Cllr Fillinghams absence.

As a resident who lives in Cllr Fillinghams Ward, I like many of the residents did not know who our Councillors were. The absence of any councillor to serve this ward over the past 6 month+ is unacceptable. The council has delayed co-opting for no good reason and continues to support Councillors absence. I think this suits the elite group of Oakham Town Councillor who wish to run the Council as they feel fit. An additional four Councillors could scupper their voting policy when it comes to decision making. Hopefully the two new members will be chosen next week and the other two seats that have not been active for over a half a year can be filled with people who wish to serve the community.

As you are most likely to refuse me the chance to make any proposals at tonight meeting.

I am writing the following requests.

The schedule of payments show an increase in spending for refreshments.

I suggest the Town Clerk and Assistant Clerk purchase their own refreshments. This is common practice in any efficient work place. The Tax payer should not be paying for this perk.

Also can we stop purchasing bottled water for council meetings; the bottles cause a great deal of damage to the environment many other councils realise this and no longer purchase bottles. This is even the case at Rutland County Council.

I have recently looked into the licensed premises issue and find Victoria Hall has a plan attached to its licence. The council chamber and office is marked in a red box excluding the two rooms from the licence. Therefore the council should have no issue with my following request.

This means the Council offices or chamber, are not licensed for the consumption of booze.

Can I request the council refrain from purchasing wine at the expense of the tax payers.

It is true this may only happen once or twice a year, mainly at the Christmas Shopping event when Councillors and friends hold a reception in the Chamber suggesting it is a public event. I have spoken to some members of the public who feel very strongly about this issue and say very clearly none of their council tax should be spent on the purchase of wine. I tend to agree afterall we are not buying this wine for all 10,000 residents of Oakham they would never fit in the chamber.

I recently attended a meeting at Rutland County Council The Leader reported alcohol abuse is a serious concern her in Rutland. Can we not set an example by banning it consumption at any council event. If not a ban no more to be paid for by the tax payer.

You certainly wont be seeing me taking wine glasses being produced out of my bag at any event I attend . That’s a special comment for former Councillor Mrs Tyers. Cllr Joyce Lucas told me how you hoped I would photograph you doing that! In the market place and the bandstand!


Martin Brookes