Mr Humphrey
LE15 6QA
I am writing to express my serious concerns regarding your blog.
I am now formally requesting that all further posting stops.
I demand that this blog is immediately removed, I am familiar with the terms of Section 40 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970, and the Protection from Harassment Act 1970 and I believe your harassment places you in breach of these acts.
If you continue to post, you may also be in breach of the Wireless Telegraphy Act (1949)
Take further note that continued posting after the receipt of a request not to post may constitute a criminal offence under Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003.
You will be deemed to have been served notice of my request and I will deem it served by Monday 15th March 2010, I am advising you that any postings after this date will be copied with the intention of them being used as evidence.
Martin Brookes
My new local news website, dedicated to bringing you the latest updates from Oakham and Rutland. Over the past few months, I've been working diligently to create a platform that provides comprehensive coverage of local news, events, and community happenings. My blog will continue to operate as usual, featuring a diverse range of topics and personal reflections. I invite you to explore the new site and stay tuned for exciting updates!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Mr Humphrey Oakham Blogger
Labels: Oakham, Rutland, UK, Photos
Cllr Martin Brookes,
Martin Brookes,
Oakham town council,
Rutland County Council,
Rutland Radio,
Rutland Wipe round