Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Rutland Bloggers Freedom

I will not remove my blog, I am sorry I can't spell, you please stop sending these threatening letters to my home address.

I have handed this on to the police although the have up to now shown no interest in stopping your year long campaign of bullying and hate against me, they are going to act on this letter as it would appear you have broke a postal law.

I removed the three photographs of your friends from my blog after you conducted a despicable campaign online over the last two weeks.

It was agreed they would not be exposed as part of this campaign if this activity stopped, the letter was posted Thursday after the photographs were removed.

Is it a coincidence Mr Beech always refers to me as Brookes and as for spelling that is how you spell my name!

As you know this has nothing to do with the content of my blog. Its you decision to try and stop me photographing and any other lawful activity I chose to carry out.

It is called harrassment!