Showing posts with label Rutland Council Tax. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rutland Council Tax. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Rutland County Council ask are you paying too much Council Tax?

This leaflet produce by Rutland County Council asks "Are you paying too much Council Tax?

Despite this year years lower increase,  Rutland has moved up the chart from last years number 2 to the impressive number 1 slot.

The answer is YES

The highest bills will be in Rutland (£1,689), Hartlepool (£1,671, Kingston-upon-Thames (£1,663) and Newark and Sherwood (£1,651). The lowest are still in the London boroughs of Wandsworth (£687), Westminster (£688) and the City (£950).   From Times Online March 24, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Oakham Town Council

I have served as a Town Councillor for a month.

During this time I have learnt, I must abide by the town council rules.

This has been clearly dictated to me.

"Oakham Town Council is like a football club!" was shouted at me "and as such it has rules and to be a member of that club you abide by the rules a set out by members."

Even if that rule is illegal or discriminates?

These rules don't seem apply to members of the public.

I have witnessed one member of the public, who address's meetings as he feels fit.

Many times he often speaks about matters not on the agenda at the point of public deputations.

The Town clerk address's him using his first name, The same member of the public address's the town clerk in the same manner.

This member of the public complained when a member of the public passed a fellow councillor a note during a meeting.

The Clerk and deputy Chairman have now created a new rule if the public hand a council member a note during a meeting. The note will be read by the chairperson and the member of the public and the councillor will be asked to leave subject to the other members voting to do so.

God forbid a note does not contain a personal private family message.

I am told notes are often passed in courts and Parliament.

I approached the town Clerk to express my concern about this new rule which has been added to the rule book despite no members debate.

He told me to do as I am told, British law does not govern what happens in the council chamber. I felt a little like a naughty school boy.

The Town Clerk commands respect from members surely a Town Councillor can also expect the same in return.

A note from a member of the public could be seen as corrupting a council member?

Is it not the role of a council member to listen to what the public want and serve the public?

If the member of the public does pass a unsuitable note it can be disregarded and the councillor
could make it public if they felt it would effect their ability to make a lawful decision.

Oakham Town Council is not a CLUB.

The dress code rule will be removed from the rule book because it discriminated.

I enjoyed a ward walk with my fellow councillor last Saturday.

Martin Brookes

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oakham North East Town Council Election

Oakham North East

Oakham Town Council has been informed that an election has been called for the one vacant seat in Oakham North East.

The Notice of Election will be published on April 14th 2010.

Nomination forms will be available from Rutland County Council from that day and must be returned and validated by Rutland County Council by noon on April 22nd 2010.

The election, if one is required, will take place on May 20th 2010.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Good News For Oakham Library Computer Users

Mr Brookes
13 Willow Crescent
LE15 6EQ
23rd March 2010

Dear Mr Brookes

Thank you for your email of 19th March highlighting your concerns about the provision of internet access at Oakham Library. I do appreciate the frustration experienced by users attempting to use the equipment, however, I am able to give you some good news on this front.

For the past several months, the library computers at Uppingham, Ketton and Ryhall have been upgraded, and I’m pleased to be able to let you know that the computers at Oakham Library will be replaced with new machines from April onwards. We are hoping to be able to make some other changes at the same time which will improve the experience of our users, including installing larger monitors.

Regarding the booking system currently in operation in the library, the one hour plus one hour extension system is in to place to ensure that there is a turnover of people using the facilities, so that anyone wanting to access a PC can do so without waiting too long. This can particularly be a problem at lunch times, when we sometimes have to refuse to extend a session, to enable another person who is waiting to use the equipment. I would be reluctant to change the system at this stage, as I’m hopeful that the new computers will mean that an hour’s computer use is a productive time, not one spent looking at a blank screen. However, I will keep the position under review particularly if we are able to increase the capacity of the IT suite.

I do hope this letter answers your questions, and I hope you will be able to make use of the improved computing facilities at Oakham Library very soon. Please let me know if you have any further queries or comments,

Kind regards,

Robert Clayton
Head of Culture & Leisure
Rutland County Council

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Burley Road Bus Shelter moving to Woodland View?

Bus Stop, Rutland County Council need to move the bus shelter belonging to Oakham Town Council from Burley Road to Woodland View. If you are like me you may not want this shabby looking bus shelter in our area. please contact the Town Council and let them know your view.


Oakham Town Council Resignations

Oakham Town Council Resignations

This is how I see it.

I wont be bullied into keeping quiet, the more you bully the more vocal I will be.

The Town Clerk is fully aware of those involved, these people have bullied him, to the extent he accuses me of bringing misery to Oakham families last week. I don't accept this, if these people had not behaved in this despicable way over the last year no one person would have been effected.

Mr Harrison resigned because he provided images of me and contributions to the Rutland Chat Forum.

I made a formal complaint to the Standards Committee.

Mr Kelly I don't know why he resigned.

Mrs Tyers resigned because of her husband involvement. She is the biggest loss for the Council.

They all keep stating they could not work with me.

It was repeated again yesterday on Rutland Radio, all three said its was impossible to work with me.

They have never worked with me or attempted to so this is a unfair comment.

Rutland Radio reporter initially took their side and broadcast I was a controversial councillor.
this is certainly untrue. They retracted the statement.

Mr Beech has spent many months posting offensive comments about me on-line and when he is found out and I publish his IP address he has the cheek to visit the police and complain I am breaching data protection.

The Data is freely available on-line so I see no breech.

Also Mr Alan Walter prospective candicate for the NE ward was one of the first people to start this campaign against me on the Rutland Online Forum with his first post ' Who The F*CK is Martin Brookes.

Mr Walters informs me he never wrote the title, it would appear it was edited by admin. along with thier offensive comments. to be fair to Mr Walters he did remove his comments ROL took much longer to act on the others this resulted in the closure of the ROL Forum

It is likely Mr Walters will be unapossed, I wont resign because he is standing, he has appolagised to me personaly for his past behaviour.

A Rutland Bloggers Freedom

I will not remove my blog, I am sorry I can't spell, you please stop sending these threatening letters to my home address.

I have handed this on to the police although the have up to now shown no interest in stopping your year long campaign of bullying and hate against me, they are going to act on this letter as it would appear you have broke a postal law.

I removed the three photographs of your friends from my blog after you conducted a despicable campaign online over the last two weeks.

It was agreed they would not be exposed as part of this campaign if this activity stopped, the letter was posted Thursday after the photographs were removed.

Is it a coincidence Mr Beech always refers to me as Brookes and as for spelling that is how you spell my name!

As you know this has nothing to do with the content of my blog. Its you decision to try and stop me photographing and any other lawful activity I chose to carry out.

It is called harrassment!

Everbodys Right Does Not Exist Here In Rutland

Everybody has the right to live their life free from violence, fear and abuse.

Everybody has the right to live in safety.

It appears to me we dont have this right in Rutland

Tuesday, March 16, 2010



I spotted you reopened the blog, keep you part of the deal and you wont be named and shamed

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

An unconfirmed report has been received that he-who-shall-not-be-named has accepted the suggestion originally made by Neptune and has removed the offensive posts from his blog. Neptune is investigating, and if the report turns out to be true, this blog will vanish into the ether very shortly.


there were no offensive posts on my blog unless they found images of themselves offensive. who knows!

Good Morning

Good Morning

Mr Beech has slipped up, I now know he is one of the main people behind foul campaign against me.

What a silly name he uses on my forum to conduct his hate, he uses FluffyUK.
he registered his account using a leicester university email account.

Today he slipped up and accessed the forum using his own server.

IP Information -
Host name kirkeehouse.demon.co.uk
Country United Kingdom

Personal Details Removed

Now we all know for a fact Mr Beech, Tim Humphrey's is behind this rather nasty and silly campaign maybe it could stop!


Martin Brookes


Monday, March 15, 2010

Feeling Flushed British Gas Style

Spring is on it's way

Stamford Road Trip Hazard

Beware of the trip hazard
contractors created in
Stamford Road

Job Searching

Some of you may have seen this comment and request online over the weekend.

The Jobcentre Plus only require jobseekers to actively seek work in three various ways each week.

I would like to state, I do far more than this and attend Job Links in Leicester and use methods they provide. although this is limited, they allow restricted access to the internet.

If there is a employer locally who can other me employment I would be happy to hear from them.

Posted online:
I and others, will be making the Job centre aware of his time-wasting activities - and sending links to all his sites and accounts so he can be monitored. Looking for work or looking for trouble ?

Leicester Charles Street Jobcentre Plus
2 Charles Street
United Kingdom
Telephone: 0116 206 8000

I and others would also like to question his use of the public library, he often states on twitter/blog/facebook group/forum he has been allowed extra time, why, when others have to pay for their allotted time? Why are tax payers funding his online hate campaign/egomaniacal behavior. I am lead to believe he tells staff, he is applying for or looking for work.

All this time in Rutland we pondered on the use for the fifth hole in the stocks....

13 March 2010 23:29
What a refreshing change nice to open my mail this morning and see support.

Dear Martin,

These people are immature children. My twelve-year-olds would disdain such language.

I don't know about you and the human race, but if they were representative of Rutland, it's a county that should be shut down again. And not resurrected.

But I am sure they are a poisonous minority, and that the vast majority of the inhabitants are honest and worthy folk.

It must be very difficult for you to put up with such slime, but I suppose that people in the public eye must expect that a lunatic fringe might indulge in such puerile vituperation, though they shame the community to which they belong. They themselves clearly are beyond shame.

I think you should keep a dignified silence, remembering that Presidents Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy and Obama went through the same mill.

You have a role to perform, and a right to perform it; and I am sure that this intemperate and unjustified language will open the eyes of the citizens of Oakham to the failings, both moral and mental, of your detractors.

With best wishes,

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Library Computer Use

It has been suggested that in the past when I thanked staff for allowing extra time to use computers, this could be seen as Rutland Library Service giveing me preferential a service.

This is not the case.

Rutland Library uses a very old system and users log in for one hour and have to asked for a extension to that time to comply with the governments requirement of letting the public use the internet for two hours.

I at the time was not aware this was the rule.

At all other Leicestershire Libraries you can book a two hour slot.

So If I now thank the staff it is purely being polite.

I hope this explains things.

The Rutland Library computers can be used for any lawful purpose.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

My Decision

My decision to raise a complaint against a fellow member of Oakham Town Council, was not taken lightly.

The Code of conduct clearly states members must not influence any matter, using coercion, harassment, inducement or pressure.

On the 3rd March 2010 a member tried to influence me.

As a Councillor, I must debate and make a individual informed decision on matters on any agenda.

Pressure and coercion was used at private meeting before the full town council meeting held at Victoria Hall.

I later questioned why this was done. To safeguard public money, I have asked Leicestershire Police to investigate the circumstances behind the spending of this £30,000 of public money.

If no wrong is found, I would still ask why I was told I should not bring my concerns to the full council meeting.

Cllr Martin Brookes