Monday, March 15, 2010

What a refreshing change nice to open my mail this morning and see support.

Dear Martin,

These people are immature children. My twelve-year-olds would disdain such language.

I don't know about you and the human race, but if they were representative of Rutland, it's a county that should be shut down again. And not resurrected.

But I am sure they are a poisonous minority, and that the vast majority of the inhabitants are honest and worthy folk.

It must be very difficult for you to put up with such slime, but I suppose that people in the public eye must expect that a lunatic fringe might indulge in such puerile vituperation, though they shame the community to which they belong. They themselves clearly are beyond shame.

I think you should keep a dignified silence, remembering that Presidents Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy and Obama went through the same mill.

You have a role to perform, and a right to perform it; and I am sure that this intemperate and unjustified language will open the eyes of the citizens of Oakham to the failings, both moral and mental, of your detractors.

With best wishes,