Showing posts with label Oakham Library. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakham Library. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

"YES!!! Poetry for Young People with John Siddique, Oakham Festival, Oakham Library

"YES!!! Poetry for Young People with John Siddique

MONDAY 24th JUNE @ Oakham Library 2.00pm For schools, invitation only

John Siddique is one of the country’s favourite writers. He writes separately for both children and adults. The young people’s strand of his work sees him working closely with schools to present writing, language, literacy, literature, poetry and creative practices in such a fun and exciting way that the learning almost takes care of itself. This is an event for junior school pupils aged 7 years to 11 years.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Oakham Library celebrates its 40th Birthday with Tory leader Roger Begy taking another slice of the cake. Net censorship in Rutland

As Oakham Library celebrates its 40th Birthday with Tory leader Roger Begy taking another slice of the cake.

It would have been nice if Rutland County Council had progressed just a little further into the modern world and ended its censorship, I am not talking about the carefully selected limited range of newspapers.

I refer to the continued Net  censorship in Rutland.

Not only does my site remain blocked, many people complain various other sites are blocked.

Many of those sites that are readily available outside the county.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Net censorship in Rutland

Martin Brookes reports that Rutland County Council has blocked access to his blog in Oakham Library. As Martin has been known to be critical of that council's members, as well as members of the town council, I presume this is censorship for political reasons.

The hard-pressed taxpayers of Rutland, who fund the library, are entitled to read criticism of their elected representatives. This censorship should end at once.

Besides where will it end?

Lord Bonkers telephones exclusively: I heard a particularly juicy piece of gossip about the Duke of Rutland this afternoon. Apparently, he was seen emerging from... Hello? Hello?

Later. Martin Brookes has received a reply from the chief executive of Rutland County Council that confirms that his blog has been blocked. Extraordinary.

A CAKE was cut to mark the 40th birthday of Oakham Library.

The library in Catmos Street first opened its doors on September 21, 1972, having cost just £49,500 to build. The 40th anniversary was celebrated on Thursday last week when Rutland County Council leader Roger Begy joined library staff and volunteers to enjoy a slice of cake. Read more at the Rutland Times

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Margaret Dickinson, Oakham Library, Literature, Catmos Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HW

Margaret Dickinson at Oakham Library


Catmos Street
LE15 6HW

Tel: 01572 722918

Margaret Dickinson at Oakham Library
Tuesday 18 September 2.30-3.30 pm

Join bestselling author Margaret Dickinson for tea and cakes while she chats about her life as a
writer and her popular sagas of Lincolnshire life including ‘Forgive and forget’, ‘Sons and daughters’
and her latest book, ‘Jenny’s war’.

Entry is free with an optional charge of £1 for refreshments. Tel. 01572 722918 to book a place.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Volunteering, Oakham Library, Catmos Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HW Rutland County Council

Now Rutland County Council has cropped its staff total, it is now looking to boost this once more with Volunteer Opportunities.

They are asking:

Could you give up sometime to help out in your local library?

They say you will gain from volunteering in Rutland Libraries.
A chance to meet people, Oakham Library still bans talking accept when they have the pre school group in when every effort by staff to keep silence is thrown out the window, especially if there is a birthday celebrations don't mind this rule, if anyone has visited Stamford Library you will noticed most rules have been binned and it can be a very noisy place at times.

They say its an opportunity to learn more about books and the library service, it will give you a sense of achievement with helping people from different backgrounds, and different ages. access a library and choose their next read.

Experience to add to a CV.

I noticed charity shops are now starting to create more paid positions because they are failing to attract volunteers. If there is a need for these staff I think Rutland County Council should be paying.

They will be offering Volunteers support, A induction to the library Service, Support and guidance for your role, Training on their procedures relevant to the role, agreed out of pocket expenses where relevant, An opportunity to attend volunteer coffee mornings, some roles may have additional training opportunities. All the above is offered to paid staff.

There are opportunities available right now at Oakham Library.

How to apply?

Take a look at the volunteering opportunities on the "do-it" website at http://www.do.it.org.uk/

A couple of Oakham Volunteering Job descriptions clearly match those responsibilities once carried out by paid staff.

Oakham Library,
Catmos Street,
LE15 6HW

Tel: 01572 722918

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rutland County Council, Request £2,500 from Oakham Town Council, stop a reduction in Library opening hours?

Rutland County Council, Begging Request £2,500 from Oakham Town Council, stop a reduction in Library opening hours?

Oakham may loose its library late night opening if Oakham Town Council
does not agree to pay £2,500 for a part time member of staff!

I wonder what has gone so wrong at Rutland County Council.

They tell us they have £1 million in unspent 106 payments.

Is the truth Rutland County Council is bankrupt? just like its local Conservative association?

Why can they not afford £2,500

Click on image to read letter. (public document)

Saturday, February 12, 2011



Oakham Town Council has received a begging letter from Rutland County Council!

Oakham Town Council will consider a begging letter from Rutland County Council and to decide whether the
Council wishes to provide funding, at this Wednesday's meeting.

I am guessing Rutland County Council has spotted, The Town Council has money to waste on cosmetic improvemnts such as removing good solid benches and replacing them with new ones without tendering.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Oakham Library Catmos Street Oakham Rutland LE15 6HW Photograph 2011


Oakham Library Catmos Street Oakham Rutland LE15 6HW 
Tel 01572 722918. Fax 01572 724906. Email libraries@rutland.gov.uk

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Good News For Oakham Library Computer Users

Mr Brookes
13 Willow Crescent
LE15 6EQ
23rd March 2010

Dear Mr Brookes

Thank you for your email of 19th March highlighting your concerns about the provision of internet access at Oakham Library. I do appreciate the frustration experienced by users attempting to use the equipment, however, I am able to give you some good news on this front.

For the past several months, the library computers at Uppingham, Ketton and Ryhall have been upgraded, and I’m pleased to be able to let you know that the computers at Oakham Library will be replaced with new machines from April onwards. We are hoping to be able to make some other changes at the same time which will improve the experience of our users, including installing larger monitors.

Regarding the booking system currently in operation in the library, the one hour plus one hour extension system is in to place to ensure that there is a turnover of people using the facilities, so that anyone wanting to access a PC can do so without waiting too long. This can particularly be a problem at lunch times, when we sometimes have to refuse to extend a session, to enable another person who is waiting to use the equipment. I would be reluctant to change the system at this stage, as I’m hopeful that the new computers will mean that an hour’s computer use is a productive time, not one spent looking at a blank screen. However, I will keep the position under review particularly if we are able to increase the capacity of the IT suite.

I do hope this letter answers your questions, and I hope you will be able to make use of the improved computing facilities at Oakham Library very soon. Please let me know if you have any further queries or comments,

Kind regards,

Robert Clayton
Head of Culture & Leisure
Rutland County Council

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Library Computer Use

It has been suggested that in the past when I thanked staff for allowing extra time to use computers, this could be seen as Rutland Library Service giveing me preferential a service.

This is not the case.

Rutland Library uses a very old system and users log in for one hour and have to asked for a extension to that time to comply with the governments requirement of letting the public use the internet for two hours.

I at the time was not aware this was the rule.

At all other Leicestershire Libraries you can book a two hour slot.

So If I now thank the staff it is purely being polite.

I hope this explains things.

The Rutland Library computers can be used for any lawful purpose.