Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It’s All Happening in Oakham This Week, Elections

Helen Pender has been locked out of Oakham Town Council.
I know the feeling Helen after all, I am a Town Councillor
and I am not allowed in the office.

The Town Clerk is taking sick leave it is looking highly likely this could become long term.
An internal audit has been cancelled! I can’t see any reason why this could not go ahead. The AGM is set for the 12th May 2010 I raised the AGM at the end of the last council meeting,

Due to RATS performing upstairs at the same time as the planned AGM meeting of the town council we were asked to move the time of the AGM, of course we can’t do that the law would not allow us to change it so easily. The council can change the venue. I believe it may be held at the congregational church hall. As neither the Chairman, Deputy Chairman consults with me about council decisions I can’t be sure.

Tonight Election Fever hits Oakham at 7pm
debate at All Saint’s Church.
We are told the candidates from the three main parties will be present.

It is my view and other members of the public a church
is not an appropriate venue for political debate.

The Rector states his political independence from the candidates
 or as is the case in the past our MP, when chairing these types of meetings.
I have heard many members of the public state otherwise.

Mr Duncan has been quoted in the past saying
he does not object to heckling.
How can people do this in the house of God?
We could pray?

If the BNP candidate is given time to speak I would most likely want to heckle him.
I would want to know why?
They have such an issue about GAY people.
His image of a Happy British Family makes no sense to me.
If this is true why would a happily married County Councillor feel the need to frequent the most,
smelly loo in Oakham? I don’t cottage, but if I did,
I would prefer to frequent the very clean one maintained by Oakham Town Council!
The one Rutland County Council maintains is a disgrace gas mask or clothes peg highly recommended.*

(*in my official or private capacity I am not condoning or promoting the missuse of any public facilty)

I am told the BNP candidate was not invited to speak in the church although he is a Christian .
The homophobic bigots on Oakham Town Council won’t be pleased.
You can not even write an express concern to the BNP in Rutland because of Rutland County Council censorship the BNP web site is blocked at the library along with Gaydar Radio!
Along with many other perfectly acceptable sites just for containing the word Gay.

The race is on for Number 10

Will it be a hung parliament?

Cllr Alan Walters Oakham Town Council NE Ward

'Mr Alan Walters has with immediate effect became an Oakham Town Councillor.' 
(Rutland Radio News) according to RCC it's tomorrow! 
I question this after I was elected unopposed
12th February 2010
the Town Clerk, Chairman and Deputy
all refused to allow me to sign my consent form until
3rd March 2010.
This was a blatant, interference of the electoral process.
I have now reported this action to the appropriate bodies.

I am expecting Mr Walters will become the council’s official photographer
and will also hold the responsible position of online forum advisor.
Mr Walters and his online friends do know who the F*** I am!

Will it all change for Britain
when we wake up on the morning of
7th May 2010



Rutland County Councils Leader R Begy OBE
NO Rutland has to wait till next year for
County Council Elections













Wait and See
The Fun Fair has come to town
and will depart Cutts Close after the
bank holiday.