Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oakham Town Council Extra Meeting

Oakham Town Council

Extra meeting.

An Extra Meeting of Oakham Town Council, has been called for
Wednesday 5th May 2010  7.00pm

at the offices of Oakham Town Council, Victoria Hall, 39 High Street Oakham.


1. Apologies

2. Councillors Questions

I have tabled 7 questions.

3. Exclusion of Public and Press

I will be voting against this, The Town Council Sgould be open and accountable to those we serve.

4. Delegation to the Assistant Clerk.

5. Staffing Matters.

It is looking more likely the Town Clerk has taken the long term sick route or he has resigned who knows? not me I am only a councillor.

I hope members won't object to Ms Greaves bring her dog to work, she tells me it is house trained and rather small and cute. She will then be able to take on a fulltime role.

I recieved a email from Rutland County Council Legal Department they suggest I am making a statement relating to the Town Clerk it is not a statement I am asking a question.

If the Town Council Deputy Chairman did not exclude me from council matters I would not need to assume anything on my PRIVATE blog.

They kindly confirm The Town Clerk is off Sick although my caclulation makes it longer than a week.