Thursday, April 15, 2010

Prism- Leicester LGBT Centre

Have you ever felt that you were treated differently because of your sexuality or your gender identity?

Do you feel that the problems caused by homophobia and transphobia are too often ignored, denied or down-played?

Are you are concerned about your work colleagues’ lack of understanding of the needs of LGBT people?

Perhaps you’re just fed up of organisations assuming that everyone is straight and not taking into account the needs of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and trans people?

Do you have some great ideas for tackling these issues?

Prism is the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) forum for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. We are a group of people who are working together to improve the lives of LGBT people locally. We want to work with local organisations, the LGBT community and the wider community to raise awareness of the issues faced by LGBT people and to tackle homphobia and transphobia in our area.

Prism meets once a month at Leicester LGBT Centre. Often these meetings have a specific theme and we invite key local organisations to tell us what they're doing to improve the services they offer to LGBT people and to answer our questions about their policies and procedures. We also work with local organisations to advise them when they are developing or revising their policies, to ensure that they consider the needs of the LGBT community.

Prism meetings are held at the LGBT Centre, 15 Wellington Street, Leicester. All are welcome to attend. Please email us for more information or contact the LGBT Centre on 0116 2547412. The LGBT Centre can also try to help if you would like to attend the meeting but have problems with transport.
