Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rutlands Thanksgiving Day

Today was thanks giving for Rutland.

VIP's from across the boarder visited from as far Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Lincolnshire. I can say boarder because the parish priest welcomed them all in that way.

There were some people from Rutland County Council.

No one from Oakham Town Council.

Even though a representative should have been part the procession from the castle.

A church service was held at All Saints Church Oakham,
The sermon seemed to be a Greek and Latin lesson about love and sex.

After the church service the tax payer treated the elite to afternoon tea in the Council Chamber at Rutland County Council.

I was invited into the kitchen and had a chat with the very friendly catering staff.

No photographs please Martin I am a Rutland County Councillor. We don't like you taking our photographs (Cllr V is a very nice man)

Now this is really where freedom of speech is controlled in our county
The lady above is Helen Briggs The paid big boss at Rutland County Council, she is so good, she has saved the county millions of pounds by contracting out nearly every service, so much saving this year we became the most expensive county in the country to live in. Council Tax is the highest in the land.

The lady above is super she is the Mayor of Melton, many Rutland folk look down on Melton folk but if we had a few more people like her in our county life would be so much better for many.
I wonder where Melton Find their Mayors I have not met on horrible one in the last five years, I have lived in the part of England.

Above is Mr, Mrs, Weir they are very nice and important people in Rutland. Mr Weir owns big chunks of Rutland and a lot more. www.jeakinsweir.co.uk

Commander and Station Commander at Royal Air Force Cottesmore

Above a local clergyman introduced as one of the oldest in Rutland

Cllr Robin King and other Rutland County Councillors arrive for tea

Waiting for tea

Above is the good leader of Rutland County Council Roger Begy and his wife

Above is the new friendly police Sergent recently made to move to Oakham

Above is the Chairman of Rutland County Council. Mr Baines

Above The Mayor of Stamford Council
The New High Sherrif of Rutland as smiley and nice as the former High Sherrif Mrs Mills
Check Spelling