Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Oakham Town Council Meetings 26th May 2010

Oakham Town Council Meetings 26th May 2010

If a Council wishes to discuss matters privately and exclude the public and press, they can if they quote the correct act. Oakham Town Council often fails to quote the act.

Here is a little help:

It is not recommended the act is used frequently because it could lead to secrecy claims from the public. So it is generally used if the information relates to financial business affairs of any particular person.

Here is an example from a RCC meeting.

Exclusion of Public or Press

Its is recommended that the public and press be excluded from the meeting in accordance with Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, and in accordance with the Access to information provisions of Procedure Rule 239, as the following item of business is likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

My very first meeting I attended the act was used correctly to discuss the tenders for the bandstand restoration. Although the Clerk did go on to tell us after Councillors voted and the public and press had departed the chamber. “Is what they don’t know is they can apply under the freedom of information act to obtain the quotes.”

This evening the Town Council wish to exclude the public and Councillors who are not members of the staffing committee to discuss a grievance made by the Town Clerk Richard White against me, They say this is to agree suitable recommendations for the Council to consider in order that the issue can be resolved in accordance with the Council’s Grievance Procedure.

They do not have a Grievance Procedure.

They have bullies like Cllr Alf Dewis and Cllr Charles Haworth.

I have complained about bullying from Cllr Alf Dewis and my letter has not been acknowledged,

Oakham Town Council is a sham. A Councillor has already contacted Oakham police to let them know they might be needed. I have asked the police to check the law and proceed with caution. I can not find any act that allows a Council to exclude a member because just because they feel like it.

I am guessing it was the same Cllr who felt the need to kiss me at a previous meeting because in her own words to the police and public, I did it because they were being horrible to him. The same one who started the meeting demanding I called her Cllr Lucas and not Joyce as she had previously demanded.

If I am asked to leave the meeting I will expect the correct Act to be quoted and voted on by members and for this act to be shown to the police. I have told the police I will not leave just because the want me to leave. They have not shown me the allegation letter written by the Town Clerk despite my many requests to see it and it is my right to know what the allegation is. It is not good enough to be excluded from the council office resulting in obstruction and precluding me form carrying out my duties as a Councillor. The Council must have something to hide!

I wonder how legal it is for Leicester Police to drag a councillor from his seat for not breaking any law?