Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oakham Town Council My requests have been ignored.

I have made numerous requests to see the letter written by The Town Clerk Richard White.

My requests have been ignored.

Your offer to provide mediation to help me understand how alleged bullying is affecting, the town clerk is unacceptable and quite frankly insulting.

The open ended ban prohibiting me freely accessing the Council office is unacceptable. The ban has caused me to seek alternative advice. This in turn has affected Rutland County Council. I am currently not visiting Rutland County Council this now means Oakham Town Councils actions are obstructing me and precluding me from carrying out my duties as Oakham Town Councillor.

Next week I will be seeking legal advice. I believe Oakham Town Council with the assistance of Cllr Alf Dewis have dug a hole they can’t get out of by asking the town clerk to make a formal complaint. Mr Dewis with his employment expertise thought he could suspend a Cllr. If a complaint, was raised. He then went onto provoke and bully me. Oakham Town Council refused to use the services of ACAS due to cost and do not want Richard White to approach his Union because they don’t want it to go that far. I am not sure what to make of that statement. What do they want? I feel this is due to a fear the Union will point out the many errors of their ways. Mr White can not withdraw his allegation and I request the allegation is fully investigated.

Oakham Town Councillors Smear my name as they visit their committees. They complain to the police about my blog. But they never look at how they conduct themselves. I was horrified when I was shown ex Cllr Harrison’s Blog with his unjustified personal attack against me. To be honest I am not the lonely mad person he depicts but I would rather be that than a member of his sad old rotten style nasty Tory Club.

When are councillors going to write a new script? Every time a person complains they describe that person as mad.

Cllr Martin Brookes