Monday, May 31, 2010

Oakham Town Council Staffing Committee

Oakham Town Council Staffing Committee

Snow White (name changed so the Tax payer does not have to pay for anymore days off sick)

Snow White says “My accusations of bullying stem only from Cllr Brookes online activities and I must state I have never felt intimidated by Cllr Brookes whilst he is in the office”

If this is the case why does Cllr Alf Dewis suggest otherwise and ban me from the council office when Snow White is at work?

Is it Because? Cllr Alf Dewis and others are determined to exclude me from council activities.

I can not understand why.

I don’t consider blogging bullying and unlike Snow Whites friends over the past year my blogs have never been personal attacks like those of former Councillors have posted against me. I have complained about those for over a year and Snow White told me not to read them, or leave it with me. So Snow White the answer is simple don’t read mine and don’t waist tax payers money and get on with the job you are highly paid to do. I believe your job alone costs each Oakham Tax payer £3 .

Cllr Dewis and others do not want the Tax Payer to know what a sham the council is!

I think it is a bit late for that the public saw plenty evidence of that at last weeks planning meeting.

Members of the public have approached me to say what a farce the council is and have been very supportive towards me and disapprove in the way I am treated by the Mother and Father of the Council!

Apart from farce spitting image comes up a lot.

This Thursday 3rd June 2010 at 7pm will see another farce. The Staffing Committee meeting chaired by the Cllr Alf Dewis Bully and Thug. He was sacked by RCC for the same behaviour.

This meeting is being held after last weeks meeting was adjourned after Cllr Sharon Spencer objected to the meeting continuing because Cllr Mark Woodcock was absent and other issues, she departed and the committee fell below a quorum.

Although the rules strictly prohibit Councillors seeking or discussing promotion it was very clear members knew Cllr Woodcock would accept the role as Vice Chair.

Cllr Maureen Dodds proposed herself, no one would second her, poor Duchess that is the name I often hear used by other Councillors.

When the meeting continues of Thursday Oakham Town Council Staffing Committee will elect Cllr Mark Woodcock as vice chair.

At Item 5 (i) The Committee will decide to exclude the public and press this is probably a good move because they don’t want to the show the public how foolish they are. (I hope they quote the correct act)

(ii) this one is interesting because they will decide weather to exclude members of the council who are not members of the committee. This means me.

There is no act than can apply to me. I am told I can exclude myself by declaring an interest. As I am not a member of this committee and can not influence the outcome I will be staying as I feel it is in my interest, The Councils actions are preventing me from carrying out my duties effectively.

They claim to have a grievance procedure they don’t I wrote to complain about the bullying Councillor Alf Dewis has subjected me too and my letter has not been acknowledged.

Standing orders state the public has a right to deputations at any of The Councils meetings once again in breach of The Town Councils Standing Orders this item has been removed from the Agenda. A member of the public has asked me why?

I refer to Snow Whites statement Oakham Town Council is like a football club we decided the rules and you obey them! This was said after they tried to ban members of the public passing notes with out a full vote.