Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Town Clerk says I am bully all I ask is he earns his £35,000

Another Town Clerk mess.....
Once again we have to accept th Town Clerk incompetance. I know there were concerns relating to this application. If I say anything on behalf of the people of Oakham I am told I am a bully

From: Richard White (rwhite@oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk)

Sent: 26 May 2010 09:49:40

To: Sharon Spencer (sharon@fsmr.org.uk); Alan Walters (ONECouncillor@hotmail.co.uk); Alf Dewis (alf@alfdewisconsultancy.co.uk); Allison Greaves (agreaves@oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk); Charles Haworth (c_haworth@hotmail.co.uk); Jan Fillihgham (janfillingham@yahoo.co.uk); Joyce Lucas (LucasHackGreen@aol.com); Mark Woodcock (woody.home@tiscali.co.uk); Martin Brookes (martinjbrookes@hotmail.com); Maureen Dodds (doddy-42@tiscali.co.uk)


Please note I have been informed that Plan FUL/2010/0323 which is the single storey extension to 36 Ashwell Road has already been approved. This plan arrived too late for the last meeting of the Planning Committee and I was due to ask for an extension but did not do so before my absence on sick leave.
