Friday, June 04, 2010

3rd June Staffing committee meeting Oakham Town Council

3rd June Staffing committee meeting Oakham Town Council

The notice for this meeting was posted and dated Saturday it did not give 3 clear working days notice. It is clear to me Oakham Town Council feel no laws apply to them. I have also pointed out the meetings are held on licensed premises, they ignore this and suggest a premises licence held by Victoria Hall only covers part of the building. A premises licence covers a whole building hence the name of the licence.

At this meeting the Vice Chair was elected Cllr Maureen Dodds often referred to as the f*t duchess by other members.

Cllr Alf Dewis was elected chair at the previous meeting.

For some strange reason Mr Dewis was in a great hurry to start the meeting so much so he attempted to conduct the meeting without the clerk present. This shows the Town Council members including myself have received no training. Rutland County Council don’t want the public to know or any other matter relating to Oakham Town Council. Yesterday they threatened to ban my access to the internet from Rutland Libraries. If they sorted the parish council out they would not have to worry about how the town looked from my blog. As member of the public said last week the Town Council is a farce an expensive farce. I have made other arrangements to post the content of my blog.

Cllr Alf Dewis then went onto exclude the public and press no act was quoted.

At the same time at another location Rutland County Council were holding a Standards Committee meeting, It was reported back to me, Rutland County Council had stuck to the rules and quoted the correct act and Cllr King had requested the public should only be excluded if it was essential, the public said they were treated with the utmost respect at the standards committee meeting. I think members like Cllr Alf Dewis should attend some meetings at RCC to see how they are conducted correctly.

Cllr Dewis forgot he had placed two points on his agenda; the second point was to exclude Councillors who are not members of his committee.

I was shown no respect. Mr Dewis called for the vote Cllr Sharon Spencer abstained and Cllr Woodcock voted against my exclusion. Cllr Maureen Dodds, Cllr Charles Hawoth and of course the ever charming bully Cllr Alf Dewis voted to kick me out.

Legally they had no right to exclude me from the meeting and no act to quote. So I refused to leave.

He called the police to arrange my removal, three police men were sent! The police made it very clear the Town Council had contacted them earlier to arrange my removal. Inspector Monks had told police if the chairman wants me out then its ok for them to ask a Councillor to leave the chamber.

The police misused the breach of the peace act. I was told if I did not leave they would arrest me for breach of the peace.

I departed and was asked not to return to the council chamber, if I did I would be arrested and taken to Leicester and it was along walk back to Oakham! The police certainly know how to enforce the law.

I am looking forward to seeing the police at the next council meeting or will it be at the County Show this Sunday like last year.

I thought we lived in a democratic country and the police are independent from politics, this is certainly not the case here in Oakham Rutland.

Cllr Alf Dewis and Cllr Joyce Lucas sit on local police committee now that’s a surprise!

The three police officers sent To Oakham Town Council Chamber to remove a Councillor

Cllr Alf Dewis Rushes off in his car after the meeting at 9pm
like many members he is very consience of the envioronment
and drives less than a mile home.

Cllr Charles Haworth leaving the meeting no he is not
calling over calling me a F*wit
He was shouting no photograph tonight
Mr Brookes

Cllr Maureen Dodds