Thursday, June 10, 2010

complaint to police authority


Dear Sir or Madam,

I have been subjected to bullying and Harassment over the past year I feel because my reports have often involved town councillors the local police at Oakham have tried to sweep everything under the carpet.

My recent complaint regards a former councillor Mr Jim Harrison who has posted very serious and upsetting defamatory comments on the internet. I visited oakham police station and was told to write to Mr Harrison.

Although in the past the forces hate crimes officer has been informed no further action has ever been taken.

I displayed two images sent two to show an example of the hate mail I have received and I am arrested for displaying obscene material. these were the same small images previously shown to Inspector Monks and another officer and no action was taken.

Rutland County Council I also believe have been involved in assisting with the protection the people harassing. Along with the representatives from Oakham Town Council. who sit on The Police committee. Cllr Dewis, Cllr Lucas, Cllrs Haworth.

I have made complaints about these 3 members and no action has been taken.

Each time I complain locally I made to feel as if I am a problem Sergeant Dickson said he felt he had dealt with all issues.

This is certainly not my view.

Also I wish to complain about being kicked out of local events at the request of Oakham Town Council. even though Inspector Monks said this is water under the bridge, I feel this is an example of how I am treated by the local police.


Cllr Martin Brookes