Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Homophobic Oakham Town Council

Homophobic bigots Cllr Alf Dewis and Council Alf Dewis supported by Rutland County Council get the green light from Standards for England to continue their homophobic harassment and bullying.

Although I did notice an improvement in Cllr Dewis's behaviour at the last Town Council meeting I fear he will see this as a victory.

Cllr Dewis is a member of a police committee so no action was taken when I made a compliant of assault despite at least 3 other people being present no one saw anything

As for the vile evil Cllr Joyce Lucas she will continue to spread her nasty disgusting untrue statements against me.

subject member
Cllr Joyce Lucas
Cllr Alf Dewis

Member's Authority Oakham Town Council

Complainant Cllr Martin Brookes

Standards committee authority Rutland County Council


On 22nd April 2010, the assessment sub-committee of Rutland County Councils standards committee decided to refer the above allegation to Standards for England. It was received by Standards for England on 16 June 2010.

The allegation is summarised in the authority's decision notice.


When a standards committee refers an allegation to Standards for England, it must make one of three decisions.

refer the case to one of its ethical standards officers;

refer the allegation back to the standards committee of the relevant authority; or

take no further action.

Having carefully considered the information provided to it, Standards for England has decided, in accordance with section 58(2) of the local government act 2000, as amended, to take no further action.

Reason for decision

The matters in the allegation relate to an informal meeting which took place between the complainant and Councillors  Lucas and Dewis. It is alleged that Councillors  Lucas and Dewis accused the complainant of bringing the council into disrepute by posting photo of his birthday celebrations on a blog where he is identifiable as a councillor. The complainant has alleged that this is homophobic.

based on the evidence referred to Standards for England, it would be very unlikely that the actions, even proven, would amount to a breach of the Code of Conduct.

I have received a private email relating today's posts, questioning why I have not published details of the allegations against me. I have nothing to hide and as soon as I can I will publish full details.

All the allegations are from Oakham Town Councillor past and present and they have all been referred by Standards for England for further investigation.

So far seven complaints have been referred all relating to this blog and links on my facebook group.


When a standards committee refers an allegation to Standards for England, it must make one of three decisions.

refer the case to one of its ethical standards officers;

refer the allegation back to the standards committee of the relevant authority; or

take no further action.

Having carefully considered the information provided to it, Standards for England has decided, in accordance with section 58(2) of the local government act 2000, as amended to refer the case to one of its ethical standards officers for investigation.

Information about the complaints is considered confidential throughout  the investigations, even after the investigation is completed there are restrictions on what can be published. It is my understanding I can not publish details of the complaints made by the complainants, they can if they wish. I think most people who follow my blog will know who they and their complaints.