Friday, June 11, 2010

Jim Harrison Photographer Oakham

Some one thinks they are very clever by adding this article to Local photographers Jim Harrison blog

Interesting as it is it has no connection to the final case that ended my employment at St George's Church.


I can publish details of this case.

At the time of the accident there were a lot of scare stories relating to stick incidents as they are called.

Yes at the time it was very scary waiting for numerous test results that were carried out by UCL.

The case was never brought to court and I happily accepted a payment from the church insurance company.


A large amount of this sum was given to a friend who at the time worked at St Paul's Cathedral; it helped fund his pilgrimage throughout Asia to help him decide if he wants to become a Buddhist Monk. After spending some time in Thailand he was Ordained and is now at a monestary here in the UK.

Something good came out of something bad.

Even this month needles are a very serious concern it is has made news I can only imagine the worry this little girls family are going through.



As for the final reason, I can not go into great detail here, I can say I over ruled my Unions wish to sue the Church and went and spoke directly with the Churches solicitors Winkworth and Sherwood and agreed a small settlement. If you read the end of the Telegraph article it shows readers the lack of compassion the Clergyman at St George's had for any person at this time. Fortunately he is now retired.

The gagging order was put in place not because I had done anything wrong. It was due to previous bad publicity the church had received after News of the World investigation. Before I was employed as an Administrator/Verger, this is how the establishment works. If it can it likes to stop any press coverage and these days the internet as is the case of Oakham Town Council and Rutland County Council. They maybe able to restrict access by banning members of the public from using public computers they fear the internet. If they treated people correctly they would not need to worry about blog content.

St George's Bloomsbury before I was employed by them had been subjected to investigation by undercover reporters from the News of the World they ran the story for a month, I think it was 1995.

The Reverend Day known as Fr Michael was also the Arts Chaplain at St Martin College of Art.

He employed Susie Lake an unemployed lady she was claiming benefits at the time.

Her father I believe was very big in construction at the time.

She became know as Miss Whiplash for her sexual activities carried out on the high altar.

Fr Michael Day run a colourful church in Bloomsbury he assisted with the opening of one of London's first gay club clubs to hold what was called a tea dance on Sunday's? The venue was in the Crypt of St George's Bloomsbury, it was advertised in Time Out. The Club was called Limelight this was closed after the News of the World highlighted it and moved to a redundant Church in the West End.

Boy George performed in the church after the pews were removed and church wardens complained needles were found in the organ loft the next day. They took no action and events continued for some time. I can’t name them as one is a senior Barrister and she would probably sue me for just mentioning her name.

The party came to an end when the News of The World reporters who had befriended Fr Michael were taken to Thailand to spend time with rent boys. Of course the good looking reporters declined the services the rent boys offered.

The church moved Fr Michael to St Pancras where until he retired he concentrated on his work with art


The Church and the South Camden Deanery have always been a little hesitative to press coverage since that event.

They could control the Ham and High and The Camden New Journal but they could not control the national press.

The posting of that article on Jims article brought back fond memories of my years in London and my connection to the church oh it was a gay time!

My first Christmas, I remember it well the panic in the South Camden Deanery after the phone rang on Boxing Day morning, Fr. ? Had been found dead in his Hampstead Vicarage, he was tied to his bed with an orange stuffed in his mouth and a bottle of poppers in hand the police said it was a tragic accident. So many memories of the righteous church.

I did not leave St George's with any hint of scandal, I would like to use the word bully to describe Fr Butler.

Now surprisingly I am bullied and harassed by friends of a local drunk who happens also to be a good Christian and member of the Church of England. She gets her mob to carry out her dirty work.

I wonder when this will stop Mr Harrison?