Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Oakham Town Council Co-option Farce

As predicted Lorna Grey and Tor Clark were co-opted 5 votes each.

I arrived at the Council office at 5.30 pm.

I spoke to the town clerk to let him know I know one of the candidates

The Town Clerk said he was concerned there would not be enough members to vote.

We sat and arranged how the interviews would be conducted I chose not to ask questions of the candidates as I was not able  vote. 

Cllr Sharon Spencer also declared an interest and did not vote.

I am very concerned that members did not delcare an interest in knowing anyone.

Lorna Grey walked into the room and started by saying who she knew she was firmly told not to reveal any more names.

Lorna Grey told Helen Pender at a recent art show how she was very good friends with Joyce Lucas and Alf Dewis.

Cllr Dewis refused to declare an interest.

Cllr Dewis could not understand the procedure for the election it was explained to him more than once. He kept asking if it would be considered a majority,  if the 5 councillors voted for both candidates unanimously.

It is clear to me at least two Cllrs failed to declare an interest and this will be reported to standards.