Thursday, June 17, 2010

Oakham Town Council Six More Standards Complaints

Dear Mr Pook Monitoring officer

Rutland County Council
16th June 2010

(1) I wish to make a complaint against Cllr Joyce Lucas.

Cllr Joyce Lucas failed to declare an interest in knowing a candidate seeking co-option onto Oakham Town Council.

Lorna Grey said at her interview she knew members very well.

Lorna Grey had told Helen Pender at a previous art event she was very good friends with Cllr Joyce Lucas.

(2) I wish to make a complaint against Cllr Alf Dewis.

Cllr Alf Dewis failed to declare an interest in knowing a candidate seeking co-option onto Oakham Town Council.

Lorna Grey said at her interview she knew members very well.

Lorna Grey had told Helen Pender at a previous art event she was very good friends with Cllr Alf Dewis.

(3) I wish to make a complaint against Cllr Alf Dewis.

At last nights council meeting I proposed correctly the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during the co-option vote Item 4 on the agenda.

There was the usual stoney silence as no councillor will ever accept a proposal from me.

So my proposal did not get seconded. So failed. after some thought Cllr Dewis in breach of Standing orders and the local government act. A member can not reintroduce a proposal with six months. I would say in less than a minute Cllr Dewis placed the proposal to the members this was not seconded and voted on and the public were excluded.

Cllr Dewis clearly breached standing order 35(a)

(4) I wish to complain about Cllr Alan Walter at last nights council meeting he showed total disrespect to a member of the public.

Cllr Alan Walters asked ********* why he attended the meetings and had he not got a life. ******** was shocked by this manner and replied politely Coronation Street was currently very dull and he rather enjoyed the alternative of Oakham Town Council meetings.

Cllr Alan Walter also questioned me as to why some of friends attend.

(5) I wish to make a complaint against Cllr Charles Haworth.

Cllr Charles Haworth failed to declare an interest in knowing a candidate seeking co-option onto Oakham Town Council.

Lorna Grey said at her interview she knew members very well.

(6) I wish to make a complaint against Cllr George Swiffin.

Cllr George Swiffin failed to declare an interest in knowing a candidate seeking co-option onto Oakham Town Council.

Lorna Grey said at her interview she knew members very well.

******** are former town councillor would like to meet with you and me to discuss the constant breaches of standing orders by Oakham Town Council, ******** has observed meetings for many months now. I am one of ********* ward cllrs and would be happy for this meeting to be arranged for this Friday if convenient with you.

I would like to mention it is was very clear Mr Tor Clark was very friendly and known by all councillors accept myself and Cllr Walters.

Mr Tor Clerk was also granted a private audience with Richard White the town clerk before interviews commenced and this was seen by other candidates who had to wait outside.

The events of last evening clearly show Oakham Town Council is very much a elite club.

one member of the public asked how I was granted membership. To be honest I don't know.
My membership has achieved zero. Cllr Alf Dewis and Cllr Charles Haworth are the main problem. I can not understand why Cllr Dewis is tolerated he is also a very new member who has moved very quickly. It was very clear to me he engineered last nights vote. in favour of Mr Clark and Mrs Grey as I predicted. After the interviews time was given for members debate all five members who were able to vote refused to debate the interviews and all stated they had made their minds up. The interviews wasted a lot of peoples time.  candidates were told they would be aked one question from each councillor and it would be the same question for each candidate this was not true, Cllr Dewis unknown to the candidate was granted permission to ask a different question, he asked Helen Pender more than one.

Oakham Town Council has lost the plot, I can not see how this council can be fixed it is my view it should be abolished.


Cllr Martin Brookes