Friday, June 25, 2010

Oakham Town Council Oakham Festival

http://www.oakhamtowncouncil.gov.uk/members.asp    New Cllr Lorna Grey

Looking at the Town Council web site it is good to see a cheerful new face.

My photo is terrible I am hoping Mr Walters will offer to take another one. I did not do a good job myself.

I was sent a link last week suggesting his was the best looking, I will decline to comment.

It gave me good idea for next weeks vote. I will run two poles.

Miss Oakham Town Council and Mr Oakham Town Council 2010

I noticed my new appointments have been listed.

Oakham Festival, One of the groups that don't want me because they were shown emails,  containing comments relating to Oakham Town Councillors. They also say I have blogged inaccurate info about them. Then tell me and it could be corrected if true. As for my emails shown to you why not question the motives of the person showing them and what if anything do they have to do with the arts in Rutland apart from most of your members support the Cllrs involved with the problem I have to deal with.

Oakham Town Council give one of larger sums of tax payers money to this group and it tells me they have never had a member of the Council attend its committee meetings.

Surely the tax payer has a right to know this money is spent wisely

I would suggest funding is not given next year. No wonder Oakham School withdrew funding two years ago.

Letter From Oakham Festival: my comments in red

Oakham Festival 2010

Chair: Joy Everitt
41 Trent Road

Phone: 01572 723393

Email: contact@oakhamfestival.co.uk

Richard White    (hes the town clerk very good friend of the committee)
Oakham Town Council
Victoria Hall
High Street

Dear Richard,

Thank you for your letter informing Oakham Festival Committee that Mr M Brookes
was nominated as representative from the town council to the festival.

Unfortunately the festival committee is unable to accept this nomination. (now here is the funny bit I am sure if you welcome someone you have accepted?)
We welcomed Mr Brookes to our launched on Friday, (she actually made an effort to publicly announce my acceptance)
but since then we have seen written inaccuracies about our work and many emails with comments and disparaging remarks about councillors, others and the festival.  (I have asked the town clerk to ask Joy Everitt to show us the emails containing the disparaging remarks, his reply was I will ask but she doesn't have to show them) (even if these emails did exist, I would be concerned if a Cllr was distributing to members of the public all my emails sent to Cllr clearly states the following  "Any form of reproduction, dissemination, copying, disclosure, modification, distribution and/or publication of this e-mail message is strictly prohibited.")
The festival is made up of volunteers and works very hard to put on a mix of entertainment over the two weeks of the festival. (now the grovel otherwise who would pay for the wine) We value the support and interest and sponsorship from the town council, but do not feel this appointment would benefit either party.
We hope to work closely with you all in the future. We will submit our evaluation, accounts and tickets as normal after the festival.

Youurs sincerely

Joy Everitt


At the end of the festival there is a party in the castle grounds they charge considerable more at the door to keep out ordinary locals. The Elite pic nic from there M&S freezer boxes. hopefully this festival will be the last and like Uppingham and some one can organise events for the ordinary people of Oakham. The Oakham fun day and carnival that tags onto to the festival is very much a fun day for all not just the elite.