Saturday, June 26, 2010

Oakham Town Council Planning, parking

This week I sat through one of the longest planning meetings I have aver attended.

A lot of the time was taken up by most likely one of the worst documents ever sent down for the council to consider, from Rutland County Council.

It was very clear to me this document was produced to support the well off residents of Oakham and not to address real parking issues and at the same time increase parking revenue for the bankrupt council.

If the document was to improve parking issues for all residents, why was none of the real  issues included? like Kings Road to name one street.

All I could see was very smart estates and convenience for the well off who drive there 4x4 to the Post Office and SAPS.

We were asked to consider approving single yellow lines all over the smart estates no details were given for restrictions, these can vary from line to line. It was interesting to note some near Rutland County Councillors homes.

If you drive a smart car in Rutland you can park anywhere and nothing is done. Residents along Burly Road often complain at the state of the grass verges outside  their homes, although one or two are guilty of this most of the damage is caused by selfish Oakham School parents parking.

Oakham School has a event today, here is a common example of the illegal parking that spoils this area of our town.

Rutland County Council also needs to read the highway code
it is my understanding you don't park within 200 metres
of a road junction. So why are they proposing to place 
two parking bays here? so customers can stop and buy
there pet food at SAPS
most Councillors at Oakham Town Council
know SAPS has a free customer car park at the rear.

I suggest it is only because 4x4 drivers who are so lazy have complained
about receiving a tickets. These are probably the same people Cllr Joyce Lucas moans
about for taking there dogs to the children's play areas and letting them shit every where.
I think this should stop, but Cllr Lucas blames all responsible dog owners.
Not all dog owners are responsible, Cllr Haworth is often seen walking his dogs
in what is meant to be a dog free zone behind his house. Before he complains I have a photo to prove it.

Proposed location for two short term parking bays

Rutland County Council is proposing two short term parking bays
outside the post office, an area clearly marked as
a pedestrian only zone and often abused by those with nice cars.

At the same meeting visitors residents parking permits were considered,
this was not seen as good because of risk of abuse.
The current resident scheme is abused people who dont need permits apply,
like Cllr Fillingham who uses one for free parking in town
I am told she is not doing anything wrong, so I suggest all residents apply now
so they can enjoy free parking in town whilst shopping