Monday, June 14, 2010

Oakham Town Council & Rutland County Council Standards Complaints

The Standards Committee complaint. Roger Begy Rutland County Council.

I attend Rutland County Council meetings to observe and learn correct procedure, not the sort of thing one can do at Oakham Town Council.

At the special education meeting the leader Roger Begy declared an interest and said he would remain for the meeting and not take part in the debate.

I attempted to do this at my own Town Council meeting and the police were called by Cllr Alf Dewis. 3 arrived and I was kicked out of the chamber.

I subsequently took the risk of speaking to the town clerk who at first gave me the wrong advice.

The code of conduct clearly shows Mr Begy breached the code of conduct by remaining in the room.

If members of Rutland County Council are permitted to break a small rule then I fear it will not be long before the County Council becomes like the Town Council.

Standards Committee Complaint Cllr Alf Dewis
On the premises of Rutland County Council I served Cllr Alf Dewis written notice not to speak to outside of Oakham Town council meetings.

I do not speak to Cllr Dewis because of his childish nature to taunt me at any possible moment.

Mr Dewis has often breached this written request. This included him twice shouting across the street to me on Saturday.

I see this act as a continuation of his bullying and harassment of me and his ignoring of a notice is not acceptable

Your Sincerely

Martin Brookes

PS: Mrs Briggs media comments have not gone unnoticed by myself and the public. Her suggestion complaints are a burden on the tax payer is not something want to here.

It was if she was suggest people who have issues with their council should not complain.

I do feel the Standards Committee is an expensive farce. How can they decide 18 complaints have no grounds, when they don't investigate or even inform people of the nature of the complaints. Just like the police councils should be subject to outside monitoring.