Showing posts with label Roger Begy OBE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roger Begy OBE. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Roger Begy OBE, Conservative, 70 Years, Rutland County Council

Roger Begy OBE, 70 Years, Rutland County Council

Last night the deputy Chairman of Rutland County Councillor Edward Baines announced in an un-comprehensible way something about 007 and then finished by telling us all that Roger Begy was
celebrating a 70th Anniversary, It wa not clear if that was relating to his time on the council, birthday
or wedding anniversary?

Any way happy 70th to the oldest establishment figure in Rutland

Monday, September 24, 2012

Very Soon Chief Executive of Rutland County Council will probably celebrate six years in her job. What has she achieved?

Very Soon Chief Executive of Rutland County Council will probably celebrate six years in her job. What has she achieved?

H Briggs Right

A reputation for being a bully, a description given in a email from Tory Councillor who resigned from the party and a verbal comments from a Union Shop Steward and staff.

After one year Mrs Briggs spoke to the Guardian  "We are lean and mean," enthuses chief executive Helen Briggs,

This is probably the only time Mrs Briggs has given an honest statement about herself and the council.

Since the article was written the council made another honest statement and admitted it is political.

It is mainly Conservative led by 4 Bullies Mrs Briggs, Roger Begy and Terry King. (as described in a email received from a former Tory after his resignation from the Party. I personally add the name of Cllr Gene Plews to that list.

The recent news item about Tory MP Andrew Mitchell and his alleged outburst calling a policeman a pleb.and Tory David Cameron's outburst in the commons  back in May when he said ‘which we wouldn’t have if we’d listened to the muttering idiot sitting opposite me.’ all this reminds me of Helen Briggs Tory Council.

The Standards Committee ruled it is "political tit for tat" when Tory Councillors refer to me as an "idiot" in communications. when I complained about an email sent by Tory Gene Plews, I guess that is why the mainly Tory Committee took no action against the Tory leader Roger Begy when he called me an idiot when I attended a meeting of the council, 

It seems to me you have to be a particular breed to be a Rutland Tory. Maybe when Cameron and Andrew lose their seats at the next election they can come and join the Rutland Tories they would fit in nicely around Helen Briggs table.

Some residents contributed towards a gift for Helen Briggs
unfortunately they did not have much spare cash left after
paying the highest council tax in the country.

some refused by saying we pay her £130,000 a year
she can buy her own flowers.

Reminding her of the Tory Motto "We are all in it together"
as if?

Peter Hetherington: Rutland is 10 years old, but is small beautiful ...

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19 Sep 2007 – "We are lean and mean," enthuses chief executive Helen Briggs, who lives in Oakham. "When I go shopping, people stop me in the street and ...

Independent means

England's tiniest county is 10 years old, but residents are still divided over whether small is beautiful

Things you didn't know about Rutland
Profile of Rutland by Local Futures (pdf)

Sharing services is essential to the survival of Rutland. Photograph: David Sillitoe
Ten years after breaking away from Leicestershire to become an all-purpose unitary council, England's smallest county - population 38,500 - celebrated "independence day" last weekend with morris dancing, carnivals, concerts and fireworks.
Rutland, on the southern fringes of the East Midlands, within commuting distance of London, might stretch a mere 18 miles from north to south and 17 east to west at the widest point, but it still occupies a land area bigger than many cities. And its status is attracting renewed interest, with unitary local government back on the agenda as ministers prepare final guidance to create, potentially, 16 new unitary authorities, from Exeter to Northumberland. Local government minister John Healey insists that the new authorities will deliver more "effective, responsive and efficient services", and will save around £150m annually, which can be used to cut council tax bills.
Significant deficits
The message from Rutland, based on the last review of local government in the mid-1990s, which created a raft of new unitary councils, is that the opposite can be the case, with many new councils inheriting significant deficits. The dilemma is how to match efficiency and economies of scale with the need to create units of local governance that accommodate historical boundaries and interests. In other words, balancing size with local identity.
By any measure, the residents of Rutland - motto: Much in Little - are proud to identify with a county first recognised as a shire in the 12th century. With 51 parishes, two towns - Oakham and Uppingham - and 26 county councillors, it certainly passes the democratic test. "We are lean and mean," enthuses chief executive Helen Briggs, who lives in Oakham. "When I go shopping, people stop me in the street and question me about local services, like the swimming pool [which has just had a £500,000 revamp]. At parish council meetings, it's not unusual for me to attend along with other officials."
But does an authority with only 350 staff - a further 378 are tied to education, serving 17 primary and three secondary schools - and a net budget of £27m pass the value-for-money test. Council leader Roger Begy, a Conservative who is proud to lead what he calls a "non-political council" based on consensus - there is no party whip, although most members are Tories - is still rattled by the bill Leicestershire left his infant council to pick up 10 years ago. "The rationale is that the budget should have followed services, but we were left with a £3m shortfall," he says. "That has always put pressure on the community in terms of council tax and a dedicated staff to deliver services as cost effectively as possible."
The upshot, he concedes, is that while a majority of Rutlanders are pleased with the performance of the county council, a "significant minority" remain concerned about the cost of independence. Jim Harrison, mayor of Oakham, the largest town, is among them. "I was always against the idea from the outset," he says. "I said it would cost us more money - and so it has. Nothing good has come of it."
For Harrison, it boils down to the council tax: £1,200 annually, he says, for a three-bedroom house in Rutland and only £800 for a similar property in Leicestershire "three miles away". Since his outburst in the Rutland Times last week, he insists he has received considerable support. "A lot of people have stopped me and said: 'Thank God we have a mayor who's saying what we're thinking.' They remember the first thing the [new] council did: spend £1m to extend its head office."
Begy will have none of it. "[Harrison] has taken a hell of a lot of stick from local people who feel he has no open mind on this issue," he responds. But Begy accepts that running Rutland requires some imaginative thinking - namely, sharing services with neighbouring authorities, including Leicestershire and Lincolnshire county councils. Aside from police and fire, still run by Leicestershire, internal audit and economic development are shared; shortly, revenue and benefits, legal services and building control will follow suit.
While acknowledging that sharing services is essential to the survival of Rutland, Briggs insists that collaboration on this scale means the council can customise delivery to suit local circumstances. At present, for instance, a mobile library service is shared with Leicestershire, although they are now considering how to modify this to provide a wider mobile access point for council services.
Briggs, a former corporate director with Doncaster council in South Yorkshire, which serves a population of 287,000, is clearly enthused about Rutland's close identity with the community. She recalls, for instance, the council's former lead member, who knew the names, and the circumstances, of all the children in the care of the local council.
Passionate about issues
And party politics? While 19 of the 26 councillors are Conservatives, Briggs finds it hard to detect party allegiances. She says: "I would describe them as members who are passionate about issues, and not political in a party political sense - passionate about doing the right thing for Rutland."
As to the future, Begy thinks unitary, or all-purpose local government, may be the way forward for other councils - provided the financial base is secure. He says: "Ten years ago, we were told that the creation of new unitaries would be cost-neutral and the funding would follow the services, yet we inherited a deficit that has taken 10 years to write off."
Not surprisingly, his advice to aspiring all-purpose councils is to "spend a lot of time and effort on calculating and negotiating the way service delivery costs are split up". But he knows that tiny Rutland still has its detractors. Too small to be efficient? "Absolute rubbish," he responds "We've done a hell of a lot in 10 years, connecting with the public in a way that larger councils cannot. Surely that is what local democracy is about?"
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Friday, July 22, 2011

Roger Begy OBE leader of Rutland County Council Conservative Bully? Standard for England Report

Roger Begy OBE leader of Rutland County Council Conservative Bully? Standard for England Report

Roger Begy OBE leader of Rutland County Council Would you Vote for a Conservative Bully like this? Standards for England Report:

Case Summary - Rutland County Council

Case no.SBE-06880-YMBGV SBE-07068-2XX5G 
Member(s):Councillor Roger Begy
Date received:14 Aug 2009
Date completed: 12 Nov 2009


The member failed to treat others with respect.

Standards Board outcome:

The ethical standards officer found that the member failed to comply with the Code, but in the circumstances of the case, no further action needed to be taken.

Case Summary

The complainant alleged that Councillor Roger Begy failed to treat her with respect at two public events.
The complainant alleged Councillor Begy raised his hand toward her in a menacing manner at a public meeting held on 13 June 2009.  She also alleged that Councillor Begy called her a ‘prat’ while attending the opening ceremony of Oakham’s newly built public toilets on 22 June 2009.
On 13 June 2009 Councillor Begy waved his finger in front of the complainant’s face while being critical of her. However, the ethical standards officer did not consider that he did so in a menacing manner. The ethical standards officer did consider that during the conversation Councillor Begy mimicked the complainant’s voice and actions in a manner that was unnecessarily rude.
On 22 June 2009 Councillor Begy, on seeing the complainant appear wearing a large placard that was critical of Rutland County Council, said ‘Oh god, what a prat.’

The ethical standards officer considered that Councillor Begy’s conduct had fallen below that expected of an elected member and that he had failed to treat the complainant with respect
on both

13 June 2009 and 22 June 2009.

However, the ethical standards officer noted the context in which Councillor Begy’s conduct took place and accepted it had not been his intention to deliberately offend the complainant. The ethical standards officer considered it important that Councillor Begy has recognised that some of his behaviour was not appropriate and regretted any offence his actions may have caused. In these circumstances, the ethical standards officer considered that no further action need be taken.

Relevant paragraphs of the Code of Conduct

The allegations in the case relate to paragraph 3(1) of the Code of Conduct. Paragraph 3(1) states that a member must “treat others with respect”.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Roger Begy OBE, Conservative Leader and Cabinet Executive, England, Rutland County Council District Council, New 'Stronger Leader' Executive Model

Roger Begy OBE (Conservative)
Leader and Cabinet Executive (England) 
Rutland County Council District Council

New 'Stronger  Leader' Executive Model

Rutland County Council DC adopted new executive arrangements
which took effect after the election.

All principal authorities have been obliged to do the same over the last few

The new model is formally named Leader and Cabinet Executive (England),
but is widely known as the 'strong leader' model.

The only other option available was a directly elected Mayor something Mr Begy
and his fellow Conservatives were not keen to see happen and opted for this
option without any public consultation or referendum.

Rutland County Council, along with the vast majority of other authorities, chose
the model which closer resembled the Leader and Cabinet arrangements which
had had operated successfully since major changes brought about by legislation in 2000.

The main difference is the Council is stuck with the same leader for four years good if he or she
good in their role, this is the whole life of the council (instead of one year) He or She then
appoints their chums to the cabinet as opposed to the Council nominating them. The leader also
decides the Deputy Leader and the allocation of portfolio responsibilities between the Cabinet
members. All those appointments last until the Leader get fed up or just decides to change them.

The Council has retained the right to remove the Leader from office by resolution passed at a meeting
so if they get fed up with whoever is leader they if brave enough get together and kick the leader out.

The Council has continued its position of not giving individual executive powers to portfolio holders.

The Localism Bill, currently in the Parliamentary process includes provisions which would enable
any authority to consider reverting to a decision-making framework based on committees, as was
the case before 2000. As a unitary authority, Rutland did not have the option of continuing with a committee
system (unlike district councils with smaller populations in two-tier shire counties).

Councillor Roger Begy Conservative Party Logo  was elected as Leader at the Annual meeting on 23rd May 2011.

He has appointed  Councillor Terry King Conservative Party Logo  as Deputy Leader

Councillors Ken Bool, Christine Emmett, Martyn Pocock and Gene Plews all  Conservative Party Logo
as Cabinet members     

The portfolio allocations are:-

Councillor Roger Begy Conservative Party Logo Environmental Services, Culture and Housing

Councillor Terry King Conservative Party Logo        Finance and Asset Management

Councillor Gene Plews Conservative Party Logo  Youth, Sport and Community Safety

Councillor Ken Ball Conservative Party Logo Education and Children's Services

Councillor Christine Emmett  Conservative Party Logo Health and Social Care

Councillor Martyn Pocock  Conservative Party Logo  Resources               

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Roger Begy OBE, Leader of Rutland County Council, British Forces Week

Roger Begy OBE, Leader of Rutland County Council, British Forces Week

Friday, May 06, 2011

Conservative Roger Begy awaits the announcement of his win photograph

I took this photograph because one of his Tory thugs complained to Helen Briggs about me taking photograph a number of other people are taking photographs including the press. The Tory thug said "I was different"

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Roger Begy OBE leader of Rutland County Council Would you Vote for a Conservative Bully like this? Standard for England Report

Roger Begy OBE leader of Rutland County Council Would you Vote for a Conservative Bully like this? Standards for England Report:


Case Summary - Rutland County Council

Case no.SBE-06880-YMBGV SBE-07068-2XX5G 
Member(s):Councillor Roger Begy
Date received:14 Aug 2009
Date completed: 12 Nov 2009


The member failed to treat others with respect.

Standards Board outcome:

The ethical standards officer found that the member failed to comply with the Code, but in the circumstances of the case, no further action needed to be taken.

Case Summary

The complainant alleged that Councillor Roger Begy failed to treat her with respect at two public events.
The complainant alleged Councillor Begy raised his hand toward her in a menacing manner at a public meeting held on 13 June 2009.  She also alleged that Councillor Begy called her a ‘prat’ while attending the opening ceremony of Oakham’s newly built public toilets on 22 June 2009.
On 13 June 2009 Councillor Begy waved his finger in front of the complainant’s face while being critical of her. However, the ethical standards officer did not consider that he did so in a menacing manner. The ethical standards officer did consider that during the conversation Councillor Begy mimicked the complainant’s voice and actions in a manner that was unnecessarily rude.
On 22 June 2009 Councillor Begy, on seeing the complainant appear wearing a large placard that was critical of Rutland County Council, said ‘Oh god, what a prat.’

The ethical standards officer considered that Councillor Begy’s conduct had fallen below that expected of an elected member and that he had failed to treat the complainant with respect
on both

13 June 2009 and 22 June 2009.

However, the ethical standards officer noted the context in which Councillor Begy’s conduct took place and accepted it had not been his intention to deliberately offend the complainant. The ethical standards officer considered it important that Councillor Begy has recognised that some of his behaviour was not appropriate and regretted any offence his actions may have caused. In these circumstances, the ethical standards officer considered that no further action need be taken.

Relevant paragraphs of the Code of Conduct

The allegations in the case relate to paragraph 3(1) of the Code of Conduct. Paragraph 3(1) states that a member must “treat others with respect”.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Roger Begy OBE Leader of Rutland County County Council's Budget Speech

Roger Begy OBE Leader of Rutland County County Council's Budget Speech.

I was hoping to publish a copy of Conservative Leader of Rutland County Council budget speech.

Unfortunately Rutland County Council can not provide a copy of this document because Roger Begy has binned it himself.

Best place for it!!!!

I can not believe such an important record is not kept.

To Martin Brookes

Hello Mr Brookes.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to contact you sooner.  Unfortunately, Mr Begy has disposed of his speech and has not made a copy.

Geoff Pook

Geoff Pook | Head of Corporate Governance
Rutland County Council
Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP
t: 01572 722577  f: 01572 758305
e: gpook@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk

Rutland County Council

Customer Service Centre: 01572 722 577

Visitor Parking Information & Map:

Email Enquiries: enquiries@rutland.gov.uk
Council Website: http://www.rutland.gov.uk
Visiting Rutland? http://www.discover-rutland.co.uk

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Local Rutland Business Woman asks Roger Begy leader of Rutland County Council to remove Helen Briggs

A Rutland Resident and Business woman has wrote to Roger Begy leader of Rutland County Council asking for the removal of the Chief Executive and then goes on to offer her service as a cost cutting measure.

From: #######@hotmail.com
To: rbegy@rutland.gov.uk
Subject: ######### meeting you in Foyer.
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 15:00:25 +0000

Dear Roger

Again, thankfully serendipity came to the rescue and I was able to talk to you in the foyer. 



I make you an offer: remove Mrs Briggs and I will be pleased to offer my talents to the RCC in her place for half her wages and work twice as hard as she does in reality.  Now that is a saving worth pursuing.

Your truly

######## (Hons)BMS

Rutland County Council Investments Hellen Briggs and Roger Begy

It would appear someone is not happy Rutland County Council's Investments are public knowledge.

It has prompted a response from Helen Briggs Chief Executive of Rutland County Council

The response to my e-mail from Mrs Briggs is gratefully received.

I am pleased to hear, the member of the public is receiving copies of statements.

 Please can I also be emailed copies FIO request.

At the meeting the member of public made a very public request, to see the statements and this request was refused outright by Mrs Briggs, why does the public always need to resort to FIO.

What does Mrs Briggs and our council  have to hide?

The Council does not listen to the public and it is not transparent.

The email does not explain why Council Leader Roger Begy lied.

 At  a previous public meeting "the council had received all the £1,000,000 invested in Iceland"

 I can not see how it is possible for either me or other members of the public to have heard incorrectly?

Rutland County Council does not listen to the public and it is not transparent. Councillor Gale seems to be the only Councillor listening to the public. At Wednesdays meeting he mentioned the majority of the public he meets, say their council is not listening.


Martin Brookes

From: HBriggs@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk
To: martinjbrookes@hotmail.com;
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 12:53:05 +0000
Subject: RE:

The information quoted in Mr Brookes email of January 22 was provided as part of freedom of information request from a member of the public and reflected the position as at the 17 January.  At that time the amount owed to the Council from Heritable Bank was £546,000 on an initial investment of £1,000,000.

At the Public Budget consultation both the Leader and Chief Executive made the audience aware that we are advised the Council will get back over time 85% i.e. £850,000 and that to date we have received about 50% i.e. £500,000.

On 18 January a further repayment of £47,000 was received bringing the total repayment received to date to £501,000 and the balance owed £499,000.  We have therefore received just over 50% of the original £1m invested.

Surplus cash balances are invested in such a way to generate maximum income whilst leaving enough flexibility to bring cash back into the Council’s main bank account at short notice.  This is the reason for the range of interest rates earned, i.e. the longer the money is invested for the higher the interest rate.

The request made to see copies of bank statements has not been refused, the Council are in the process of compiling the information.

Rutland County Council £19.634.173.80 cash investements



Rutland County Council has public money invested with the following organisations:

HSBC - Sterling Liquidity Fund
HSBC - Money Market
Coventry Building Society
Lloyds TSB
Bank of Scotland
London Borough of Brent
Skipton Building Society
Nationwide Building Society
Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation
Barclays Bank
Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation
Clydedale Bank
Yorkshire Building Society
Principality Building Society
Heritable Bank - ln Administration

£19.634.173.80 is the total sum invested and interest rates are very poor these range from 0.33% in the HSBC (a total disgrace) to the higher 1.8% paid by both Lloyds TSB and The Bank of Scotland.

What interests me the most is Heritable Bank this pays 6.09%

This is  a Landsbanki owned Scottish Bank,

The Leader of Rutland County Council Roger Begy said we had lost £1,000,000.00 in this bank.

Last year he told the public "we had got it all back"

This week The Leader of the Council Roger Begy said he never said such a thing?

He said Rutland County Council had recovered £850,000 and it was likely the Council will loose £125,000
This was confirmed by Helen Briggs Chief Executive.

Why are they lying?

A freedom of information request reveals there is only £546,096.29 deposited in this account where is the other  £453903.71

I am aware a member of the public has made a Freedom of Information request to see hard copies of Statements relating to all the above investments. Rutland County Council has refused to provide these. Why? What do they have to hide? This is public money.

I am not sure who Rutland County Council employs these days to control finances, but surely this needs to be looked into.

Why are the public being asked how should we save £650,000 of important service when there is this amount of money invested.

£650,000 is a small amount of the total sum the council intends to cut, another 100+ staff will be going soon.
Posted by Rutland Resident at 1/22/2011 08:18:00 PM
Read More: http://martinbrookes.blogspot.com/2011/01/rutland-county-council-1963417380-cash.html

Rutland County Council

Customer Service Centre: 01572 722 577

Visitor Parking Information & Map:

Email Enquiries: enquiries@rutland.gov.uk
Council Website: http://www.rutland.gov.uk
Visiting Rutland? http://www.discover-rutland.co.uk

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Roger Begy Leader of Rutland County Council Said We Could Be in Doo Doo next year!

Roger Begy Leader of Rutland County Council Said 'We Could Be in Doo Doo next year!'

 Rob Persani

Rutland County Councils Question Time at Rutland County Museum hosted by Rutland Radio's Rob Persani

Rob welcomed us and then introduced The Leader of Rutland County Council Roger Begy.

Mr Begy asked if we could all hear him? he said he would normally rely on Councillor Joyce Lucas to let him know, but she was not here. Ex Councillor Alan Walters giggled and ex MP hopeful Helen Pender Cheered quietly!

He went on to give us an interesting presentation, this included Rutlands UPS and DOWNS

Top of the list was the new Catmose Sports Hall, to be managed by Stevenage Leisure. This project funded by central government should be open on time towards the end of February.

Social Services had been rated excellent.

The New Business starter units have been a great success.

Rutland has received 7 awards for tourism, the highest achievement for the whole of the East Midlands.

Rutland had also done well with Recycling.

He thanked Oakham in Bloom and Uppingham in Bloom, reminding us these groups are all voluntary.

The Downs were:

The Closure of RAF Cottesmore and Ashwell Prison.

People killed or seriously injured on our roads was far to high and rising. (Slow Down)

Children at risk had risen to unbelievable levels 200+ (what are these parents doing to their children shocking)

He then moved onto the Comprehensive Spending Review stating there had been a lot of pre publicity.

2011/2012   -14.3%

2012/2013  - 9%

No increase in Council Tax this year.

The Council is making savings in the following ways:

Wage Freeze


Terms and conditions of Employment

all this in house action is expected to save £2.6 million.

There will also be a reduction in use of Consultancy Services.

Contract reviews are expected to save  £220,000

The Council structure is now known as one Council

made up of three departments

(sorry I cant resist the Trinity headed and looked down upon by god Helen Briggs)

People Departments  Directed by Carol Chambers

Places Departments  Directed by Aman Mehra

Resources Departments Directed by  Debbie Muddimer

(at tonights meeting we were told Chief Executive earns £112,000 last year the web site said £119,000 today it says £109,185 ??)

He then went on to say the Council is looking at different ways of working,

Shared Services, External Contracts, Partnerships.

He said Peterborough City Council had provided good trading standards and they had extended the service contract and were considering handing over legal services (does that mean goodbye Mr Pook :-(  my experience of trading standards is crap, they send traders a form once a year asking, do you display no refund notices at the point of sale? the shop I worked for always gave refunds, but if you were one of the retailers who refuses a customers statutory right are you going to admit it on a form? I think not )

He also said democratic services may be contracted to Melton Borough Council.(poor Ms Stokes)

Other services are currently contracted out to a number of other Councils, he named a few:

Wigston, Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire.

(I am beginning to wonder what Rutland does for itself? this is not true independence, we seem to rely on so many others.)

He then moved onto the Medium Term Financial Plan

A lot of figures that showed Net spending total is 30.208 million rising to 32.079 million over the next four years.

The Council was not sure if it was going to receive 2.5 million of government grants, so it has assumed a 25% reduction.

The Council expects to have 1.5 million in reserves

He said building new homes could be an option, but later said Council Tax income could not be considered at planning meetings.

He said the uncertainty about income could  "mean we are in doo doo next year" 

The Council is proposing to make the following savings by cutting a number of services totalling £605,000

We were asked to vote at the end of the evening. I refrained from voting, I did not see the point of the exercise with so few people attending.

The Council is hoping Voluntary Organisations could help provide council service in the future.

A number of Growth Proposals were shown.

He then moved onto Future Issues

The County is likely to be effected by NHS reforms, Public health issues (smoking and drinking)
Who is going to fund Academies if this status is granted to any Rutland Schools, will the money come from Rutland or Central Government? (looking forward to see the new Catmose Academy once the building is complete)
School funding is changing, funding will be awarded per pupil.
Rutland needs Economic Development and Broadband or lack of it is seen as a stumbling block, (a job for Rutland Telelcom?) 
Local Development new homes and supermarkets were all issues having to be dealt with.
(Planning is hated by Mr Begy he said it is the bane of him and there was me thinking it was me!)

It is suggested Town Councils could take over services currently provided by the County Council. (are they having a laugh, it maybe possible for the regimented gentlemen of Uppingham Town Council to do a good job but  Oakham Town Council................. No disrespect to the new members The poor Mayor is already stressed with the current work load)
Mr Begy said this was a exciting opportunity for both Town Councils, an opportunity for Town Councils to put their mark on their towns. Hope its not Doo Doo Councillor Lucas would not be pleased.)

Concluding Mr Begy said "Its a different world out there and we need to look further than our noses and we have everything under control."

Now it was back to Rob, who read questions that had been sent in previously as requested, there was a slight change, questions were also allowed to be asked by anyone present.

A question was asked about the councils finances, how much money did the council have saved? what was its purpose and how much interest was earned.......

Mr Begy responded "£19.6 million was held on deposit in various places and most deposits earned dam all" !

 He also mentioned the £1 million lost in Iceland, he said the Council had recovered £850,000.

I reminded him at the last public meeting, he had told the public the whole sum had been recovered. He told me he did not say this. A member of the public said afterwards I was correct because they wrote it down.

At this point Mr Begy thought its would be nice to introduce his non political cabinet members.

He started with the "Pretty Side" his words not mine!

Mr Hugh E G Rees (Conservative) - KETTON WARD
Mrs Janine Rodger (Conservative) - COTTESMORE WARD
Mrs Heather Wells (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH WEST WARD

 then he moved to his table

"My Slim friend" Mr Mark Wells (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH EAST WARD
"At the end" Mr Peter W Jones (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH WEST WARD
 (not sure why Mr Jones was attending he did occasionally look up from his i pad to sneer)
 "At the end" Helen Brigs Chief Executive
one was absent earning money at a furniture fair in Cologne.
Mr Terry C King (Conservative) - EXTON WARD (Deputy Leader of the Council)
The questions continued, this included questions concerning Number Plates, Broadband, Cuts towards funding the Voluntary Organisations. A Mr Prescott was very unhappy, his funding had been cut by 60% he was concerned how were groups like his meant to continue and support Mr Cameron's Big Society. One lady expressed her concern and said what a good job Mr Prescot's organisation had been for her after Rutland County Council had destroyed her lively hood it appeared his service saved her from suicide.

(interestingly no one knows what the Big Society is meant to be and Mr Begy expressed the same. It clear to me either this Country or Rutland is in the Doo Doo taking a phrase from Mr Begy)

we moved onto more questions about RAF Cottesmore, HMP Ashwell, The Chief Excutives Salary, Highways, Village Schools, Environmental Issues and Transport.

There was lively debate  the public wanted more involvement, but the Council members were having none of it and frequently showed expressions of disapproval.

A very nice lady is having issues with her Village School I think she is a School governor, she said the Council was not responding to her, what she was saying echoed so much of what many other people have told me.'They don't listen, they don't return calls'

That may be due to the government sending Cllr Heather Wells and her colleagues of to China for some reason?

Another man said my Councillor does not answer my emails. Each complaint was answered by Mr Begy with contact me I will sort it. To be fair to him he does answer e-mails.

The Council needs to be transparent, as one lady requested

I say, listen to its people and be proactive.

Mr Begy thanked the staff for working through these difficult times.

The planned staffing cuts is expected to be around £2.3 million

He said £1.426 million had been saved so far.

A army member was present and he said when RAF goes there will be job creation as the personnel are moved their partners will be leaving retail jobs in the town. Mr Begy said a lot of them worked for the council.

He also said a lot of the junior staff live outside Oakham and the County, because they cant afford to live her, but the good news is most of the senior staff did live in Oakham and Rutland. 

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Cllr Roger Begy Wins Mr County Councillor of the Year 2010

Leader of Rutland County Council came out top.
Over the last month I conducted a on-line poll

Roger Begy received  6% of the vote

Here is how the rest did.

Peter Jones (3%)
Terry King  (3%)

Hugh Rees  (0%)

Janine Rodger  (2%)

Heather Wells  (1%)

Mark Wells  (0%)

Edward Baines 0 (0%)

Jeff Dale  (1%)

Vijay Dighe  (1%)

John Duckham  (0%)

Trevor Ellis  (1%)

Richard Gale  (1%)

Peter Golden  (5%)

Susie Iannantuoni  (1%)

Peter Ind  (0%)

Charlotte Jones  (1%)

Trevor Lovell  (1%)

Brian Montgomery 0 (0%)

Marc Oxley  (0%)

Chris Parsons  (1%)

Gene Plews  (1%)

Barrie Roper  (2%)

Deborah Stuart  (0%)

Nick Wainwright  (2%)

A large percentage over voters said they Dont Know My Cllr  (56%)

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Oakham Town Council & Rutland County Council Standards Complaints

The Standards Committee complaint. Roger Begy Rutland County Council.

I attend Rutland County Council meetings to observe and learn correct procedure, not the sort of thing one can do at Oakham Town Council.

At the special education meeting the leader Roger Begy declared an interest and said he would remain for the meeting and not take part in the debate.

I attempted to do this at my own Town Council meeting and the police were called by Cllr Alf Dewis. 3 arrived and I was kicked out of the chamber.

I subsequently took the risk of speaking to the town clerk who at first gave me the wrong advice.

The code of conduct clearly shows Mr Begy breached the code of conduct by remaining in the room.

If members of Rutland County Council are permitted to break a small rule then I fear it will not be long before the County Council becomes like the Town Council.

Standards Committee Complaint Cllr Alf Dewis
On the premises of Rutland County Council I served Cllr Alf Dewis written notice not to speak to outside of Oakham Town council meetings.

I do not speak to Cllr Dewis because of his childish nature to taunt me at any possible moment.

Mr Dewis has often breached this written request. This included him twice shouting across the street to me on Saturday.

I see this act as a continuation of his bullying and harassment of me and his ignoring of a notice is not acceptable

Your Sincerely

Martin Brookes

PS: Mrs Briggs media comments have not gone unnoticed by myself and the public. Her suggestion complaints are a burden on the tax payer is not something want to here.

It was if she was suggest people who have issues with their council should not complain.

I do feel the Standards Committee is an expensive farce. How can they decide 18 complaints have no grounds, when they don't investigate or even inform people of the nature of the complaints. Just like the police councils should be subject to outside monitoring.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Roger Begy Leader of Rutland County Council

Leader of Rutland County Council Coffee

Thank you for the letter

Thank you for the coffee

I will bring a flask in future


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Rutland County Council 1.9% Record

Last night the full Council met to set this year’s council tax.

It’s a record low increase 1.9%

The Leader Roger Begy, has a sense of humour, his jokes spread evenly throughout the meeting. (A lot more cheer than yesterday evenings Eastenders.)

Mr Begy also has a very serious stern manner and this was shown when Councillor Oxley suggested the low increase may have political connotations.

Mr Begy pointed out there were no Rutland County Council Election this year.

It is my understanding part of the low increase is to be funded by increased parking charges.