Showing posts with label Rutlnd County Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rutlnd County Council. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Roger Begy OBE leader of Rutland County Council Would you Vote for a Conservative Bully like this? Standard for England Report

Roger Begy OBE leader of Rutland County Council Would you Vote for a Conservative Bully like this? Standards for England Report:


Case Summary - Rutland County Council

Case no.SBE-06880-YMBGV SBE-07068-2XX5G 
Member(s):Councillor Roger Begy
Date received:14 Aug 2009
Date completed: 12 Nov 2009


The member failed to treat others with respect.

Standards Board outcome:

The ethical standards officer found that the member failed to comply with the Code, but in the circumstances of the case, no further action needed to be taken.

Case Summary

The complainant alleged that Councillor Roger Begy failed to treat her with respect at two public events.
The complainant alleged Councillor Begy raised his hand toward her in a menacing manner at a public meeting held on 13 June 2009.  She also alleged that Councillor Begy called her a ‘prat’ while attending the opening ceremony of Oakham’s newly built public toilets on 22 June 2009.
On 13 June 2009 Councillor Begy waved his finger in front of the complainant’s face while being critical of her. However, the ethical standards officer did not consider that he did so in a menacing manner. The ethical standards officer did consider that during the conversation Councillor Begy mimicked the complainant’s voice and actions in a manner that was unnecessarily rude.
On 22 June 2009 Councillor Begy, on seeing the complainant appear wearing a large placard that was critical of Rutland County Council, said ‘Oh god, what a prat.’

The ethical standards officer considered that Councillor Begy’s conduct had fallen below that expected of an elected member and that he had failed to treat the complainant with respect
on both

13 June 2009 and 22 June 2009.

However, the ethical standards officer noted the context in which Councillor Begy’s conduct took place and accepted it had not been his intention to deliberately offend the complainant. The ethical standards officer considered it important that Councillor Begy has recognised that some of his behaviour was not appropriate and regretted any offence his actions may have caused. In these circumstances, the ethical standards officer considered that no further action need be taken.

Relevant paragraphs of the Code of Conduct

The allegations in the case relate to paragraph 3(1) of the Code of Conduct. Paragraph 3(1) states that a member must “treat others with respect”.