Thursday, August 05, 2010

Cllr Roger Begy Wins Mr County Councillor of the Year 2010

Leader of Rutland County Council came out top.
Over the last month I conducted a on-line poll

Roger Begy received  6% of the vote

Here is how the rest did.

Peter Jones (3%)
Terry King  (3%)

Hugh Rees  (0%)

Janine Rodger  (2%)

Heather Wells  (1%)

Mark Wells  (0%)

Edward Baines 0 (0%)

Jeff Dale  (1%)

Vijay Dighe  (1%)

John Duckham  (0%)

Trevor Ellis  (1%)

Richard Gale  (1%)

Peter Golden  (5%)

Susie Iannantuoni  (1%)

Peter Ind  (0%)

Charlotte Jones  (1%)

Trevor Lovell  (1%)

Brian Montgomery 0 (0%)

Marc Oxley  (0%)

Chris Parsons  (1%)

Gene Plews  (1%)

Barrie Roper  (2%)

Deborah Stuart  (0%)

Nick Wainwright  (2%)

A large percentage over voters said they Dont Know My Cllr  (56%)

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