Monday, June 28, 2010

Parish Council Forum Rutland County Council

tonight I am attending the parish forum, slightly distracted.

Cllr Haworth has abused his position on the police committee, he and ex Cllr Paul Beech are not happy just harassing me online or complaining to standards they now use the police to attempt to serve harassment notices. I refused to accept the notices. Apparently they are not happy to be mentioned on my blog. If it was not so serious I would say they were taking the piss.

At tonights meeting chaired by Mr Baines.

Terry King County Councillor and Portfolio Holder for Development and Finance. He gave a presentation about local government funding.

This was followed by a presentation by Mike Baish, Director of Corporate Services on Sustainable Communities Act.

Then David Banister, ICT Strategic Lead Rutland.

and County Council, regarding the census 2011.
Advertising will start in September 2010 the date of the Census is Sunday 27th March 2011.

A presentation followed from Cllr Peter Jones on Rutland  Museum and Library Service and assisted by Victoria Newton-Davies. from the museum and the castle. she he would like more visitor two the museum and castle she highlighted the new move into Arts also the History research available and course every good museum should have one a nice new gift shop.

The Castle is available for corporate hire and weddings.

There are a number of events at the castle and the museum over the year.

There will be summer family projects this summer.




The new gift shop specialy caters for yummie mummies!

Lots of unique rutland gifts and jams and pickle you will find in Harvey Nichols