Monday, June 28, 2010

Complaint Rutland County Council/Job Centre Plus‏

Complaint Rutland County Council/Job Centre Plus‏

From: Martin Brookes (martinjbrookes@hotmail.com)

Sent: 28 June 2010 01:02:01

To: graylingc@parliament.uk; Helen Briggs (chiefexec@rutland.gov.uk); duncana@parliament.uk; rbegy@rutland.gov.uk; gpook@rutland.gov.uk

Cc: advice@lgo.org.uk; peter jones (pjones@artsforrutland.co.uk); tking@rutland.gov.uk; hrees@rutland.gov.uk; jrodger@rutland.gov.uk; hwells@rutland.gov.uk; mwells@rutland.gov.uk; ebaines@rutland.gov.uk; kbool@rutland.gov.uk; jdale@rutland.gov.uk; vdighe@rutland.gov.uk; jduckham@rutland.gov.uk; tellis@rutland.gov.uk; rgale@rutland.gov.uk; pgolden@rutland.gov.uk; siannantuoni@rutland.gov.uk; pind@rutland.gov.uk; cljones@rutland.gov.uk; tlovell@rutland.gov.uk; bmontgomery@rutland.gov.uk; moxley@rutland.gov.uk; cparsons@rutland.gov.uk; MR Plews (gplews@rutland.gov.uk); broper@rutland.gov.uk; dstuart@rutland.gov.uk; nwainwright@rutland.gov.uk

Dear Sir/Madam

Since I have been using google alerts to notify me of postings made about me anywhere on the internet, I am very concerned about the post made by Ian Burton on various locations on Facebook.

Information contained in this post relates to my home and private information that could only have been released to Mr Burton by a Rutland County Council employee and Job Centre Plus Staff.

Mr Burton publishes details about my home such a details of the service charge.

Mr Burton publishes I am in receipt of Council Tax and JSA

I would like these serious breaches of privacy investigated.

I do not know Mr Burton, a local has told me he is connected to Berridges Taxi's along with David Burton who also posts information about me.

From visiting facebook I can see Mr Ian Burtons daughter is Angela Burton (Married to Mr Wells) she is employed by Job Centre Plus. either at Leicester, Melton or Stamford.

I am hoping Mr Grayling minister responsible for Job Centre plus will ask Job Centre plus to investigate this possible breach of confidentiality by Mrs Angela Burton, relating to my income.

To follow procedure, I wish to make this a formal complaint because of the serious nature it is being copied to the local government ombudsman for advice.

It is clear from looking at the facebook contacts of these people they have links to Oakham Town Cllrs and Ex Cllrs.

The manner and content of comments resemble the Rutland Chat forum.

These people behave in a cowardly and appalling manner and it is clear now they are supported by RCC. due to the leak of information relating to my home.


Cllr Martin Brookes

Below copy of facebook post

Ian Burton

Martin Brookes still wasting tax payers money, did you see the report in RT this week about the number of complaints, and its all costing US.

Oh JSA He dosen't pay council tax nor service/ maintainence for his flat.

He complains about folks on his street, his neighbours, he complains about the "Toffs" he complains about the council who he ... See more serve, he complains about anything and everything like a bloody fishwife! He pallys up to folks then backstabs them supports them in public and slags them off on his internet diarrhoea.

He doing a repeat performance. Suing Rutland is his aim.

People of Oakham, this bloke is costing us taxpayers of RUTLAND every day, wasting police, council local and county, wasting everyones times the MP to the local press.

Someone give him a pinny and a mop and let him clean the Oakham lavs.

Ian Burton

Member of the public, Oakham Rutland.

10 June at 16:46

So far I have recieved a response automated from  Cllr Rodgers, she is responsible for planning one of the worse performing departments at RCC. I guessing this is not March 2011!  am I the only person who questions what is wrong with these Cllrs. I am awaiting Cllr Wainwrights normal response don't contact me. They seem to forget there role is to serve and assist the public. I expect no reply from Cllr Lovell a very good friend of Oakham Town Councillors past and present. He told me I should not stand in his ward because I don't reside there what a silly Councillor most Councillors at RCC don't live in their wards, so why should it matter if a Town Cllr does not. I guess it matters when your friends are Tyers, Kelly and Beech to name a few.

Reply recieved from Cllr Janine Rodger, Cabinet Member.

I am on family business until 29th March but am fully contactable on my blackberry or mobile 07702844890 Thanks Janine
Rutland County Council
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Email Enquiries: enquiries@rutland.gov.uk
Council Website: http://www.rutland.gov.uk/
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