Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rural Community Council Leicestershire and Rutland


Rural Community Council

Leicestershire & Rutland

The Rural Community Council provides information,
advice and assistance to groups and individuals
in rural Leicestershire and Rutland on economic,
social, environmental and planning matters.

RCC are looking for friends

Become a friend of RCC (not Rutland County Council all though I am sure they would like some friends...)

As well as opening the door to a range of possible volunteering
opportunities, membership entitles you to 2 copies of village voice
per year, an RCC Directory, a weekly e-bulletin, Diary of Village
events and 10% discount on RCC events.

Please contact: Mary Dakin, Finance Assistant

Tel 0116 268 9705 or email: mdakin@ruralcc.org.uk for more
details and an application form