Thursday, June 10, 2010

Use of Oakham Town Council Electricity

Use of Town Council Electricity

At a previous Town Council meeting we were are asked to approve the use of Cutts Close for an event.

At this meeting I was happy along with other member for this event to go ahead fro no charge. I questioned at that meeting the use of the electricity all members were told the organisation would provide its own generators. So on the information given to us we agreed to the use.

The event happened and the organisers had access to the Town Council Electricity Supply a large amount of equipment was used.

I questioned who authorised this use and would the event organisers be billed for the use.

I was told the Clerk authorised the use, the clerk then produced the bill for the last quarter and stated the bill is so small it was irrelevant.

I suggest it is not irrelevant because the meter has not been read since the event and this was tax payers money spent without the councils authorisation.

The bill may only be £10 or £20 that is not the point if the council makes a decision it should be adhered to or what is the point,

This is also the case for the new toilet signs as a council we authorised £38 to pay for a toilet sign Rutland County Council said they could not afford, then we find we have also paying for others and alterations to Rutland County Council signs.

I wonder is Rutland County Council bankrupt?