Friday, July 09, 2010

life as a non councillor.

To be honest it has not been much different from any other time, the usual rubbish in my inbox and the silly comments on my blog that have no actual connection to the posts.

My friends will know I now have a new email address, so I wont have to read the silly mail.

I was going to turn off comments but then I thought why spoil it all just because of a few silly people.

I must have picked up that bad habit from being an Oakham Town Councillor, take the easy option to deal with a problem, take the phone box away, take the bench away, take way the bridge  but lets not deal with the real issues.

Yes I am on Job Seekers Allowance, £65 a week it doesn't go far, they taunt me as if I was earning hundreds a week. lets hope none of them loose their jobs.

I heard Beech's B&B is not doing to well.
Photography is a bit slow for Harisson.

Part of being a councillor was intended to in some way repay society and they would not even let me do that. Cllr Lucas said I will never get a job in Rutland, I  hope to prove her wrong one day.

It was good to see Cllr Lucas looking so happy today as she greeted me good morning in the afternoon.

It was also good to see Cllr Fillingham on her way to the Co-op to buy supplies. I trust she is much better now and will be attending council meetings very shortly. She looked the part speeding along the road in her 4x4  long blond hair blowing in the breeze and stunning designer sun glasses.

I have decided I will attend meetings to report findings on my blog.